jayrodtheoldbod, Please tell me you made it talk to a bot.
m3t00, want to buy a great checksum of a .jpg of a stupid monkey? cal it nft for short
MystikIncarnate, An nft is more like a receipt. It says you bought it, there’s reference to the item on the receipt, but the item you bought was actually just the floor display and it remains the floor display whether you purchased it or not. You effectively paid for the receipt of buying the floor display, not the floor display itself.
Leate_Wonceslace, The last time I got a text that was obviously from a scammer I beat them to the punch with “I have a big bitcoin mining project but I need seed money. Are you willing to invest?”
DacoTaco, Did it… Work?
Leate_Wonceslace, They stopped messaging me, so I guess.
DacoTaco, One would argue that means it didnt work. You couldve gotten some coin lol :p
ICastFist, Don’t think so. Asking for money seems to flip a switch on their “AI” and it gets very hostile, “this is my money, i have lots of it, it’s mine and you won’t have it”
JoMiran, This seems like a good opportunity to use an elvish translator.
MajorMajormajormajor, What’s bitcoin precious?
Klicnik, Digital beanie babies children can’t play with when they go out of vogue.
DragonTypeWyvern, Bitcoin won’t go out of vogue, it’s better than ever for its intended purpose, buying hookers and drugs.
troyunrau, Tulips. Grow up, sell them, stick em in the dirt. But whatever you do, don’t invest in imaginary tulip futures.
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