Tip your building superintendent this Christmas, they’re actually on the top 10 list of dangerous jobs in North America, like 10 spots above cops. I’ve done the job and it’s high risk of ergonomic injury, as well as accidents, and working alone makes it even more hazardous. You can get sick from the job, get crushed by garbage bins, electrocuted, poisoned, gased, burned, fall off a ladder or worse, and it’s low pay.
Or swap for Monero over Bisq (TOR market). Whatever. Bitcoin is Snitchcoin. Everything is broadcast enough you cannot avoid it. Even your methods aren’t enough.
Doesn’t stop the transaction from being broadcast all details. TOR or not don’t matter. Broadcast of all details is %100 lightning or not. Monero DOES “hide” your details. It may be visible that I access the Monero network if I don’t ride a VPN but it doesn’t matter. No more info about said usage is broadcast.
I can see you used PornHub today too. Should have used a VPN. I know how long you watched each of those videos too. Maybe find a VPN that accepts Monero, not the Snitchcoin.
We don’t strongly disagree here - we’re both protecting our online privacy by bouncing that traffic around a little, through either a VPN or Tor.
We’re betting our freedom on the assumption that the bad guys won’t compromise each hop. It’s easier for them to compromise PornHub and then my VPN than it is to compromise each LN hop. So Monero won’t make my wanking any safer; the dick police will just go after the weakest link.
The value overflow incident was a bug that allowed some dude to give himself a bazillion bitcoins. It was caught and fixed before he spent any.
It’s not really the ads on Google Search itself that break it.
It’s that almost every result is some automatically generated spam created entirely in response to Google’s algorithms. And it’s those pages that are covered in ads. Google broke the internet.
You can still get what you’re looking for, but I home in on results that look like forums or other actual user generated content. Didn’t even realise I was doing it tbh. I just mentally filter out most of the shit.
yup, nowadays if you don’t add “@r*ddit” to a tech related search in google you’ll get 10 seemingly copy pasted results that look like “1. download our drivers updater :))) 2. if you don’t want to do that, just give up lol”
Everything is a bot that gives you four paragraphs of text about how they’re a certified Microsoft Windows professional technician, but all they ever do is tell you to run sfc /scannow.
Same here. I almost responded asking what the issue is when I realized I query Google Search with specific keywords and cheats, ignoring all the bs in the list. At some point I just adapted and didn’t notice.
Now that I think about it there have been a few times where I’ve had to struggle to find something, especially if it is medical related. Gotta give old Reddit this: It’s been around so long with so much activity that you can at least get pointed in the right direction by throwing it into a search and hitting enter.
I have no idea why the best search engine is not mentioned in any of these comments. Maybe it is the same reason why I am not going to mention it either, to stop normies from ruining it.
A hint: they are the only major search engine to not give a flying fuck about DMCA and USA laws. This is also the reason why it is the undisputed king.
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