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AgentGrimstone, in Google “search”

SEO abuse has ruined the internet. We could’ve had something good.


More like content farming right?


I worked very briefly for a company that was hirable to push websites for SEO. It was basically all young underpaid contractors and interns even the HR team except for upper management who was all the same people from their previous big company running telemarketing bullshit.

So yeah just want to add the usual suspects definitely had a hand in the enshitification of the search engine as you might think.

redcalcium, in Google “search”

Search engines funded by ads have this perverse incentive to not give you the best possible results (or at least stop trying so hard to improve their results) so you search more (and thus served more ads). This may not be true for the underdogs (because they’re trying to gain marketshare) but seems to be especially true for Google.


i test all web search engines the same way:

  • punch in "Python itertools"
  • see if the official documentation for itertools is the top result.

if it’s not, then the search engine is contaminated with advertised or SEO optimized results and it’s wasting my time


The first result from Google was the official docs for me


The true test is searching anything related to android and not get flooded by hundreds of links to auto generates blog content and useless bot created pages.

fossilesque, (edited ) in Google “search” avatar



Decentralise and build a toolbox, it’s better for your brain.

BulbasaurBabu, (edited )

Keep your links, I’m going back to askjeeves

samus12345, avatar

my homie refdesk just called and said “we are so fucking back”

match, avatar

Google Scholar is still quite good for the moment

fossilesque, (edited ) avatar

Here is an example for searching for “cats” with academic turned on. It’s not just .edus but it’s definitely part of the weighting. Nature is usually the first hit obviously.

You can also make custom searches with parameters and link easy access third party buttons. I did one for Google shopping for instance.


I didn’t know kagi is supported in Brave mobile. Been trying to set it up on Mull (Firefox) but gotta wait for v122 so I can install via a file

fossilesque, avatar

Yup, yup. Should be under recently visited in the selection settings iirc if you visit the page first.

fossilesque, avatar scholar is great too! This academic search is a bit different because it does webpages and not just publications.



I refuse to pay for a search engine. There are numerous searxng instances out there in which I’m not the product even though I’m not paying.


Yes. And they all suck by comparison.


kagi is paid search, I like the idea of that. why do you recommend kagi and not another paid search provider?


I’d pay for Kagi if it were $5/month unlimited. Not going to pay $5/month for limited search.


yeah, i agree. I’ve get email for €1/month

snowe, avatar

I hadn’t even seen other paid providers but I got real sick of Google about six months back, tried kagi on trial and paid for it before the trial was up, that’s how good it is.

fossilesque, avatar

I did the same!

fossilesque, (edited ) avatar

I can customise it to ignore AI spam with custom filters + academic search + custom rankings + other custom tools. I can yeet domains from ever being seen again. It’s just very tailored to whatever you need. I hardly go elsewhere now. I find it curbs my compulsive rumination googling because I get clear, trustworthy answers and not AI telling me I have cancer or am distracted by something dramatic.


As a subscriber, one of the things I like about Kagi is how responsive the Kagi team is. I’ve reported a few bugs (4-5 maybe?) and they all got resolved fairly quickly. You can also find the founder on the Discord server talking with users. This was a breath of fresh air to me when I signed up.


I use Kagi too - they have a feature I haven’t seen before where you can basically optimize your own SEO. You can uprank or downrank any given website to varying degrees based on how much of that site you want to see in your future search results (I use this a lot for game wikis that have since migrated off of Fandom etc, but the stale Fandom page always shows up first in google search).

They’re also working on a feature to warn you which articles are paywalled directly from the search result, which I will use the hell out of.

They also have something they call Lenses, which are essentially search profiles that emphasize certain types of results (programming lens upranks stackoverflow, github, and API docs for instance).

All in all I’ve been extremely pleased with the quality of the product and the directions they’re exploring in. And being able to easily chat up the devs in discord doesn’t hurt either.


I had Kagi for a bit and enjoyed it, but I’m not sure I use search enough to justify the price tag.

I didn’t know about the personalized SEO thing- I wonder if you could have a “default SEO rank” that would basically average all the specific uprank/downranks from other users. So power users tweak their algo, and everyone else gets the benefit of using that human feedback to improve their results.

UncleGrandPa, in Google “search”

I just get tired of jumping through hoops to find what I’m searching for… Instead of what Google wants me to see

don, in I'd prefer to just stay home, thanks.

The bottom text and the picture send peculiar signals.

kameecoding, (edited )



Beat me by 2 minutes lol

benderbeerman, in chop chop

Scattering the remains has long been a custom

lntl, in Google “search”

Nowadays i find myself leaning the old ways: browser bookmarks. Not long ago, search was so good that i stopped using them.

yardy_sardley, in chop chop

Since we’re on the topic, does anyone know if there’s a Fargo community in existence somewhere on Lemmy?

kewwwi, avatar

I wish

phoenixz, in Google “search”

Which is why I stopped going since about 4 years ago now. One day I just went to a different mall, and never looked back


Where? I feel Google has gone way downhill but the Bing based search engines haven’t seemed any better.

snowe, avatar



And that mall is

lemmesay, avatar

tons of alternatives.
search engines with independent indexes(i.e., not beholden to any big search engine):

  • mojeek
  • brave search(semi independent)
  • kagi(semi independent)

meta-search engines(gets results from other search engines):

  • startpage(google)
  • duckduckgo(bing)
  • qwant(bing)
  • swisscows(bing)
  • metager(multiple sources)
  • searx(ng)(multiple sources, configurable by user)

I’m still missing a ton but this should give you an idea.

for more, see this interactive graph, or this Wikipedia list which includes other niche types of search engines as well.

I personally use mojeek(because of their independent index) with duckduckgo as a fallback.

Mojeek, avatar

thanks a lot for the mention, if you wanna use that fallback less and less, feeding back on algo updates via always helps us

lemmesay, avatar

didn’t know about the page. thanks! and good to see you on Lemmy.

Willy, in Proof of twerk

they real story is more interesting. it’s just a shame that the incentives were aligned a bit askew. people gonna people.


Whats the more interesting part? It was a scam from the get go

nexguy, avatar

… in that it wasn’t a scam from the beginning…

Scammers just saw an opportunity later.


Yes it was, lol. By design it can only function as a ponzi scheme, the itention might have been something else behind it but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a scam from the get go


It’s known that the original guy mined a whole bunch of coins to start with and has never cashed them in. He doesn’t seem to care about money much and just wanted to work on something interesting. Bitcoin is really a garage project that’s gotten out of hand.

Now, everyone who picked it up after that on a Greater Fool theory, sure, absolutely.

nexguy, avatar

Who are the scammers? There is no company behind bitcoin and the soure code is open for anyone to look at at any time and anyone can participate.

kameecoding, (edited )

The delusion is strong with this one, here is a video educate yourself if you want I no longer care to argue with cryptobros

asuka, avatar

By being designed a deflationary currency, Bitcoin price was “doomed” to repeatedly spike with every halving. The “scammers”, then, are the people who got in early and hoarded Bitcoin.

nexguy, avatar

So then the people who buy paintings from deceased artists are also scammers? They thought the exact same thing…I want to but this intrinsically useless thing that I think will increase in value because only a finite number exist and I think more people will want it in the future.

A scam is a deception of some sort. BTC is open source. No one is tricked into buying it any more than artwork.

asuka, avatar

Paintings are beautiful. Products are useful. Bitcoin is… nothing. It’s speculation. Any time when it could have been used as a practical currency is long gone.


Just like govt issued currency


Ey yo bag holders are out in full force

nexguy, avatar

If only anyone could actually prove btc is a scam in any way I’d gladly agree… any evidence at all. No evidence against an open source project since its inception 14 years ago. Is the evidence that impossible to reveal?


If only there was a 2 hour long video that goes throughout everything including nfts

nexguy, (edited ) avatar

I’ll watch it. I hope it’s not 2 hours of opinion but actual dive into btc source code that shows something that I guess everyone(including banks and investment firms) has missed.

edit: This matches exactly what I said that scammers have taken an opportunity but btc was not created as a scam as was stated…so IS this a waste of 2 hours where btc is not the target but just a bunch of other coins and nft?

nexguy, avatar

Immediately in the first few minutes he describes in detail how btc was not designed as a scam. Thank you for proving my point

AVincentInSpace, (edited )

He also says that in order for anyone to make money by trading actual dollars for bits on a blockchain and then back again, or by mining those bits by paying an absurdly large power bill (to say nothing of single purpose hardware that becomes useless within a few years) and then selling them to the next guy, one must somehow convince some other poor soul that those bits on that blockchain are now somehow worth more dollars than they were when one bought them to begin with. No cryptocurrency can exist without bagholders. Categorically.

nexguy, avatar

Agreed. It’s not inherently a scam nor a ponzi since this rely on lying about how much money you have to pay back everyone at once. Btc is similar to artwork. There is no intrinsic value to it unless everyone agrees it has. Work is done to complete both and both are unique. Both are finite. Only 21 million btc will ever exist and only x numbers of paintings by this dead person will ever exist. If enough people believe both are valuable then their values will rise.

PopOfAfrica, in Google “search”

Kagi has kicked ass for me. Its paid, but you get what you pay for.

The only sore spot is image search.


I liked kagi for the first couple months I had it but then I noticed the results seems to be getting worse. Google tier. I cancelled because why pay for that?

I’m not sure if the results were better at first or whether I just noticed flaws more the longer I used it.

I’m often not even bothering to search for technical issues now. There’s been a big mindset shift in me. If I can’t figure it out on my own then pack it up and move on to the next thing. It’s a 5050 shot at best whether you’ll get help on a forum and search is a dumpster fire everywhere. I’m learning a lot more this way and retaining but fuck me running is it ever frustrating


Have you tried downranking (or even blacklisting) the spammy sites on your Kagi search result? That alone is an improvement over Google.

kemsat, in Proof of twerk

Yeah but you could actually do useful things with the power from an idling car.


You could do useful things with the power used to generate Bitcoin too.

spaduf, (edited )

Generally, however, it is not easily converted to heroin


Use a computer to work -> get paid -> buy heroin


Like cook the planet


Snitch on yourself.


I didn’t mean literally a car, I was going a long with their metaphor.

I saw a Veritasium video where they use a massive engine as part of a whole facility that tests buildings for earthquakes. That’s not something that’s going to be a problem. And in some applications, fossil fuels are what makes sense to use.

We should definitely use them in as few applications as possible, but yeah, if you wanna act like we should stop using them completely, in all applications, you can keep hallucinating.


I was mostly making a joke about how bad cars are for the environment, not really adding anything of substance to the conversation.


If you’re doing something with the output of the engine then it’s not idling, strictly speaking.


Can an idling car save people’s wealth from hyperinflation?

maniel, (edited ) in Google “search” avatar

not sure about other languages, but with Polish Google is still the most useful one, Bing and DDG don’t even hold a candle to it, that said i still think Google went to shit hard


Same, DDG fails with local results here in the Philippines, I found myself adding “g!” to my searches more often


not !g?

crony, in Google “search” avatar

This is why I have been using aselfhosted searxng instance for over a year and half now.


Is it a very demanding service to run?

crony, avatar

Not at all, for me and couple friend’s that use I can easilly run it on a 1core 1gbram vps.

You can test out my instance that’s run on a contabo vps and then you can decided if you wanna host it


I had not so good experiences with Contabo lately. Lot of outages and they withdrew 2 more month after the end of my subscription. Ionos had no outtages so far (5th month). In addition their web interface is better than Contabos.

crony, avatar

I have been using contabo for over a year and had 2 outages when they had some problems last month.

For the webinterface I don’t care since I do everywhing in the cli amd don’t mind a bad interface.


What software stack do you use for this?

crony, (edited ) avatar

I have a vps that I run the docker contaner on. You can test it out on my website

Edit: Also use nginx as the reverse proxy.


It’s still just Google and ddg and whatnot though.,?

Like. There’s only a few search engines. Bing. Google. Yandex. Yep.

I haven’t found aggregating them with search to be even remotely useful because more garbage is still garbage

crony, (edited ) avatar

There is actually a lot more search engines that you might think, plus there are privacy frontends for them you can aggregate.

Edit: Also the main poin’t of searxng is to use it as a proxy for them which hepps if you use an instance with multiple users, or host an instance for you and your friends for example.


Excepting yep and Yandex virtually everything else is just a front end for Google / bing afsikm unless I’m incorrect about that?

crony, avatar

wiby, brave search and there is a few more

firadin, in Google “search”

I feel like 90+% of the time I use Google, it’s just because it’s more convenient than going to the actual website I want. Like if I want a Wikipedia article about a movie, it turns out it’s faster to type in the movie name in Google and click than go to Wikipedia and search the movie.


I used to do that to but then it started giving me info adjacent to what I was searching or a broader answer. Just got fed with that and the amount of sponsored search results.

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