For real. I have a lot of problems right now, and there’s not a single one of those problems that can’t be solved with an adequate amount of money.
I, like I think a lot of people, fantasize about winning the lottery not because I’m desperate to live in a mansion or to have a $500k sports car in my driveway, but because I dream of watching all my problems absolutely evaporate before my eyes.
I have a disability and I’m a student so I have zero physical or mental energy to have a job next to my almost full time study. I used to just be broke all the time. I found out there’s a city government fund for people exactly like me, and it honestly so fucking crazy what that extra 300 euros a month does. It’s not just that I can afford necessities and something fun once in a while but it gives so much peace of mind. One of my cats was sick a few months ago and I could just take her to the vet and have her blood work done without having to stress about it.
Probably things like living paycheck to paycheck. Needing a new washing machine or some other device but not being able to afford that yet. Not being able to have your car repaired or buy a car so you have to use public transport and walk long distances to get to your work.
I mean that’s what I imagine. A little money would make those problems go away. But when your paycheck only covers your rent, bills and food, you never get to save up for things.
xactly. Any other problems are usually self made or if not then the money still can ameliorate them greatly. Like being crippled. Better to have a nice house, someone to come clean, with stair lift and such than to be on the streets with a tiny tim crutch.
I think I’m going to take an extended break from Lemmy. People are treating a 70+ year political quagmire like a football match, where they pick a side and then morally grandstand about how awful the other side is. Fuck all of you.
Unfortunately, those that don’t fall under what you’re describing simply don’t comment because they know it’s a massive, nuanced issue, so all you’re seeing are the loudest, least nuanced voices
I hope more of you fake nuanced people go back to Reddit.
“bro please bro it’s complicated bro you can’t oppose apartheid bro have you not considered it’s complicated bro? Please bro you have to maintain status quo”
“Aww look everyone! It’s a cat! Upvote it and ignore that this is c/memes. It doesn’t belong here at all but upvote me anyway because none of you give a damn! I could have posted this two dozen other places where it would actually be relevant but I know you morons will upvote anything posted here, so give me my fake points!”
But shouldn’t that be something to work on, then? There are plenty of great posts made. It’s just that garbage often gets the same amount of attention as good content. Current thread presented as proof.
That alarms me. The Fediverse is inherently self-selecting to nerds. You’d expect to see a higher standard for memecraft. It’s like going to an anime con, and the artist’s alley isn’t full of fanworks that violate every known principle of anatomy. Or to a Sportsball match where they don’t slam-dunk the touchdown bases.
Of course, we’ll never top that picture which I thought for years was a deep-fried image of Hank Hill with the caption “E”.
On Lemmy, you firstly see the message before the messenger. That is something that makes it magical, it clears your self-history and allow you to have a free mind on ideas presented.
Some glance at the comments in the video tells me that this video aged like wine, the guy might be harassing coworkers. I say might because, I am not 100% sure.
Anybody feel free to correct me. I’m going off memory here.
Adam Kovic (right, in video): sexual allegations. Many statements are more circumspect for Adam than Ryan.
Ryan Haywood (not in video): secretly slept with fans. One was 17, though he thought she was 18. So, more sexual allegations.
Both were fired around the same time. Both were already married.
Yeah, video aged like milk. It goes back to Ryan Haywood and Adam Kovic (guy to the right) getting booted from Roosterteeth (Ryan Haywood) and Fun Haus (Adam Kovic). I think Fun Haus is a subsidiary of Roosterteeth, but definitely owned in someway by that company.
Ryan Haywood slept around with fans, including an underage girl (17, he thought she was 18). He was already married btw.
Adam Kovic took nudes of himself in the office. The funhaus and Roosterteeth statements about him were more circumspect, so not much more was said. This left people guessing if he cheated on his wife with fans or released nude photos of her, etc. Whatever the case, he was let go.
Each time people try to justify Hamas as Palestine resisting massacre when they go on a killing spree on an international music festival makes me care less. People who criticize Israel will also criticize Hamas killings, and the more you work to associate Hamas to Palestinians and the more that Palestinians themselves associate, support, and congratulate these terrorists, the more that we as third parties will stop caring and pull back to let you kill yourselves for your imaginary blood beliefs.
Didn’t you read what he wrote? He, acting as our representative, has already made it clear that we, all third parties, don’t care and just want to watch the world burn. Get in line!
What has your hesitant caring (if even true) achieved before? Is there anything lost that we should worry about?
We actually much rather you take a step back and leave us. Please start by telling your governments to gtfo of Middle east and stop all intervention. We don’t want you.
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