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kamehameherp, in rust 😋😋😋

1v1 me on licking rust

spicysoup, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre. avatar

free palestine

Jay, in A King regardless

Some people, like me, enjoy life more If they are at least somewhat physically fit.

Sprite, avatar

There’s shredded people with double chins. Studies show people who are of overweight BMI (not obese) have the longest lifespan anyway. Let people live.


That’s what I mean too: Blanket statements are nonsense. Of course, this applies in both directions.


After some cursory research ([1] among other meta-analyses), this does not seem to be true below the age of 80. Could you cite a source?


Sprite, avatar


Relative to normal weight, both obesity (all grades) and grades 2 and 3 obesity were associated with significantly higher all-cause mortality. Grade 1 obesity overall was not associated with higher mortality, and overweight was associated with significantly lower all-cause mortality.


Thanks! Both look like very decent studies so I am not certain where the difference comes from. I suspect that the division into age brackets, or averaging across all of the them may be the cause. Either way, it seems that the effects of being slightly overweight are barely statistically significant. The more you know

Sprite, avatar

If I’ve read it correctly, being overweight is “healthier” for longevity. My understanding of science is that being overweight isn’t unhealthy, quite the opposite, but its closeness to obesity is the true danger. So it is healthy to be “overweight” according to BMI, but it’s close to being obese, which is very unhealthy, so if you don’t watch yourself, you could hurt yourself. Aiming to be in the high “normal” BMI or low “overweight” BMI is probably the most reasonable approach. But it may be more difficult for people who build muscle to tell what that is for them.


You simply feel better. Good on ya


We’re not like you


I just mean that it seems kind of strange to equate looking somewhat unhealthy with enjoying your life.


I just like to ve out of breath when i mount my mobility scooter


Oh it would.

I feel better being more fit because a lot of my interests (and my job) are very physical, and being as large as I am now makes doing the things I enjoy doing more difficult.

Not everyone has those interests or that type of work, and that's okay, too. We all have value.


That’s exactly how I see it. One should not generalize. However, that is what is done in this picture.

UrPartnerInCrime, (edited ) avatar

Also, the right photo is the before photo. Seems like he also likes to take care of himself.

Edit: if anyone read the first draft of that my bad. That was rough lol

UrPartnerInCrime, avatar

Keanu was on vacation when this photo was taken. He was literally trying to enjoy life. Stop making this a bigger thing than it is.


"It's strange that people think they can enjoy life in ways that I don't enjoy" is definitely a take.

UrPartnerInCrime, avatar

That’s good for you. The original meme was literally body shaming him while on vacation

Edit: for the curious it was literally him at a film festival


Found King Julian

Espi, in So Cute

Local cat goes :3

rustydomino, in I have an answer, but I'm not sure I am allowed to say it on TV avatar

As much as I appreciate Skeltor, the cat would have worked just as well.


The memes are the bottom are so incorrect that I have to imagine the creator was trolling.

SuckMyWang, in A King regardless

Dude looks like he’s tired of giving a fuck what the press thinks. Good for him


These are not the same person.

UrPartnerInCrime, avatar

Boy, are you wrong.


Stop ruining it for them. They already opened another pack of chips feeling completely justified.

UrPartnerInCrime, avatar

But have you become a world star first?

UrPartnerInCrime, avatar

Bro, just admit you were wrong and move on


They’re not denying they were wrong. They’re moving the goal posts to save face. Makes me realize I might do this often

OceanSoap, in yeugh

At least it’s not just me, lol.

headset, in A King regardless

Wow that post is Wholesome 100 Keanu Chungus! Here’s some poor mans gold 🖕

fushi01, in Need to make more money 😩 avatar

Nanami moment


He’s just like me fr fr.


Whats the number and locations of your associates?

robocall, in A King regardless avatar

food is happiness

UrPartnerInCrime, avatar

food is love

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

Shrek is food


So is heroin

robocall, avatar

it’s all fentanyl now. couldn’t find heroin if I tried.

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

Have you tried substituting extra fentanyl?


being physically unfit is hell.

imagine not being able to wipe your own ass because it’s too wide for your own arms to reach

imagine not being able to tie your own shoes because you can’t bend enough to reach them either.

imagine getting winded from standing still

imagine your joints screaming in agony every time you so much as stand up

imagine not being able to clean because you can’t reach the floor without risking falling over and not being able to get back up.

i have been up to the very brink of letting my weight disable me and I count myself EXTREMELY LUCKY that I seem to have stopped on the edge and pulled back before ruining the rest of my life.

The pleasure of eating always disappears IN MERE MINUTES but the consequences can linger indefinitely if these indulgences are left to go unchecked.



You’re right overall but it also has no relevance in this context. Keanu isn’t even close to that level

zakobjoa, avatar

Okay but there’s a bit of a difference between “Enjoy food” and “so morbidly obese that you’re almost disabled”.

VinesNFluff, avatar

No! There are only people so obese they cannot physically move themselves and people who look like perfect hollywood starts without a single fat cell in their bodies! Anyone who tells you there is such thing as a wide spectrum of life is lying to you! The internet told me so!

AtmaJnana, in Vegan food: The west vs India

Water is a chemical. Salt is a preservative This is fucking stupid.


Water occurs naturally, salt occurs naturally, quron doesn’t

zakobjoa, avatar

Your phone doesn’t occur naturally. So go play with sticks in the woods.


Touching grass occurs naturally 🤣

WashedOver, in The nostalgia is real avatar

Perhaps composed with this…

squilox, in So Cute

Maybe he is just trying to tell you to exercise

nothingcorporate, in Is the cure to male loneliness the Third Impact?

Is that a picture of Joe Exotic?

kafei, in yeugh

Great with almost 35 I’m finally starting to look like Keanu reeves. Who, I’m too lazy to look this up, is probably 20 years older than me on the picture on the right.


No, it’s actually Keanu years ago at Cannes

Which is important to note that he was 48 in that photo. And now he’s almost 60, and is likely a vampire, and he just was fat off matrix blood during that time


Someone got Keanu’s phone number or emails address gotta ask him how he lost the double chin because that’s what I’m currently struggling with.


Look, it’s not that hard. All you need to do is lift weights six days a week, stop drinking alcohol, don’t eat anything after 7pm, don’t eat any carbs or sugar at all, in fact just don’t eat anything you like, get the personal trainer from Magic Mike, sleep nine hours a night, run three miles a day, and have a studio pay for the whole thing over a six to seven month span. I don’t know why everyone’s not doing this. It’s a super realistic lifestyle and an appropriate body image to compare oneself to

– Rob McElhenney on getting ripped as an actor

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