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pinkdrunkenelephants, in So many people still think its ok for them to do📱

What the hell would stop the government from just putting CSAM onto the phones of political rivals and upstarts to get them jailed without question?

And child molesters will run away scot-free on account of all this.

Isn’t there anyone who will stop the dirty child molesters without wanting power in return? Anyone?

Anyone who will stop the government?


AbsolutelyNotCats, in Me Trying To Use The Internet avatar

Sad but relatable

malamignasanmig, in Wakey wakey bananas and bakey.

simply bananas but why do they seem nightmare-inducing to me?


Perhaps it’s the tiny carved faces, or the fact that one of them skinned themselves alive to make a literal banana hammock to lay in?


i thought at first it was those serious banana faces; but after SubArcticTundra pointed it out, maybe its the art style. serious, old-timey-looking painting with old-men-faced bananas

SubArcticTundra, avatar

They art style is distinctive to a painter who drew surreal artworks but his name has escaped me

Edit: it’s probably Hieronhmjs Bosch


it's a bit modern-looking to be Bosch. I would like to know who the artist is, though.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

It could also be Salvador Dali


It’s Vladimir Kush! I used to love to go his gallery on Maui back when I lived there. Unfortunately I’m pretty sure it burned down in the Lahaina fires. I actually got the chance to meet him once. This is actually the first time I’ve seen his work out in the wild! How fun. :)


Thanks for posting! I like his style.

Rivalarrival, in When you need to disable ads and give access to the microphone

I like to think there is a point where the average person would observe a certain level of bullshit and immediately escalate to extreme violence against their corporate overlords.

I’m not saying that this patent is my level. I’m not saying this patent is not my level.


Mc Donald’s!


All evidence so far to the contrary.


I like to think there is a point where the average person would observe a certain level of bullshit and immediately escalate to extreme violence against their corporate overlords.

I hope so. Too much corporate apologia going around.

AmosBurton_ThatGuy, avatar

Won’t someone think of the shareholders?!? If they don’t get the profit they’re expecting, then they may not be able to afford that 6th home for their kids spring break! Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be for their kids? Have a heart you filthy peasant! Think of the children!


"Corporations Are People, My Friend!"

saltnotsugar, in How many do you need?! *sobs*

As a rule these pillows are never comfortable, overly expensive, and you can’t make forts out of them.


Forts per pillow is a very important and often neglected stat


It’s the fort that counts.

CensorsHateMe, in Trust me bro it's 100% true

Israel released the images twelve hours ago, bro. Get out of your tankie echochambers.


tbf, i saw the images and they did not include any beheaded babies.


I’ve seen photos of said babies. Look up for groups in WhatsApp or Telegram and you’ll find them.


The most reliable sources lol


You will not find such material through official sources. They are atrocities and should not be circulated for many many good reasons. The photos and videos that do exist are spread around by Hamas themselves who have a sadistic satisfaction in seeing jews, abused, tortured and dead.


I am not talking about the pictures specifically, I am talking about the news as a whole. If it has been confirmed by an independent news agency, that would be an indication, that it might be true.


So, uh, pics or gtfo.


I’m not your delivery man, find them for yourself.


You made the claim.

Back it up.


The meme made a claim! I don’t see you contesting that. And again, go do your research. Find groups who are willing to share such content. I’m not, period.


“What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”


Uh huh. Sure.

If they actually had the legit pictures they’d be putting it out on every channel possible. It could only help their cause.


Source: Just trust me bro


Source: Hamas, ask them!


“My source is I made it the fuck up!”


Is the source for the meme made up? Does it get a pass too?


Then link them or be an Israeli lickspittle


If you don’t see anything wrong with sharing photos of decapitated dead babies, I have nothing else to talk to you about. Go do your own research if you’re so inclined to.


I have actually.

There were 2 burnt babies and 1 that was not.

0 beheadings


you mean the photos that the IDF itself says doesn’t exist?



IDF said what now?! Sauce or it’s lies.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar
JoeBigelow, avatar

The laughable hypocrisy of you asking for a source while spouting sourceless claims is some peak Internet shit.


Join the groups in the platforms I mentioned pior and find the photos for yourself. Only a terrorist group like Hamas is prepared and willing to share such atrocities online. I’m not one of them. Go do your own research.


Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded ... - CNN

Your response?

Are you willing to admit you fell for the propaganda yet?


Tbf the idf says they can’t confirm it because the bodies are so thoroughly mangled they couldn’t tell what happened to them


Source: trust me bro


didn’t it also turn out that those were palestinian babies?


Link? I looked for proof and the only thing i have found is shrapnel and charred babies.

Even Blinken said he has only seen those.

Seems like the propaganda got you friend


Source: trust me bro

ALoafOfBread, avatar

No they didn’t. See sources in replies. Hamas’ attack at the music festival was awful, bar none. But that doesn’t mean you should blindly believe IDF war propaganda being used to further oppress and disenfranchise the Palestinian people.

There’s literally a genocide going on against them. They live in an apartheid state where they have essentially no rights. Hamas doing bad stuff does not mean that state funded genocide campaigns against Palestinians are OK. The propaganda is meant to legitimize the violence against civilians.

Omega_Haxors, (edited ) in Hmmmm

What Israel is doing to Palestine today is exactly what America did and is doing to their indigenous population. Why do you think they’re allies?

gh0stcassette, avatar

I mean, the US sucks, but they don’t just support settler colonial states for its own sake. They support Israel because it’s strategically useful to have a US friendly state in the middle east that’s small enough that they will basically do what we say (unlike Saudi Arabia). Also a significant portion of Republicans in congress think that Israel/Palestine being controlled by Jews is a necessary precondition for the Rapture. The US is more indifferent to the genocide of the Palestinians than anything, which imo is just as bad, but it’s important to look at the material causes for things instead of just saying “these two countries have similar ideologies so they’ll be allies”.


All of that is true AND they have an ideological solidarity. Think of it like this: If there was a genuine landback movement and the Illegal Occupation of Palestine was seen as what it is, then people are going to start looking at the Americas and noticing similarities. For a country that was built on the same settler colonial genocide, claims to be democratic when it’s clear they’re not, and subjugation of minorities. Oops.


Every square inch of land on earth has “changed hands” so to speak, multiple times by multiple peoples, mostly non-peacfully. How far back does a “land back movement” plan to go? The only fair option would be to DNA test bones from before the last glacial maximum and find descendents with the highest genome similarly and reshuffle all existing populations back based on their earliest ancestors. Or move all humans back to Africa and leave the rest of the world to the native wildlife. Or is it just the US and Canada because they were the most recent? Will we include Mexico and make them give the country back to the Aztec, or do they get a pass because Spain isn’t considered as bad as those pesky Brits? Do we try and find populations of tribes conquered and replaced by the Aztec?

Do we have the authority to freeze all national borders as they are right now in perpetuity to preserve national and racial identities? Are you in favor of the world going to war against Russia to prevent colonial genocide against Ukraine? What do we do with the current peoples existing on their lands now? Do we break every country on earth up into ethnic tribal lands, or City-States? European colonialism of Africa and the Americas was broadly terrible at the time with many lasting issues, but it’s not exactly unique in human history, so I am honestly curious what the end goals look like.

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

How far back does a “land back movement” plan to go?

Chief, I’m not reading whatever genocide denial you’re about to write after this. We’re talking about a genocide so big and widespread that it not only put the holocaust to shame, but was literally the thing that directly inspired the nazis to do it.


Not sure where you get genocide denial out of what amounts to “humans have been genociding each other since the Homo genus common ancestor split off”. I am asking if anyone actually expects any country on earth to decide that decades, or more likely centuries, in their past they conquered the land they now claim from another people group and now we feel bad about what our ancestors did so we are giving the country back to the most direct descendants of that group.

Are there actual expectations that the US is actually going to give everything or anything east of the Mississippi back to the native tribes, and/or Texas back to Mexico? Do we expect Canada to give BC back to their indigenous tribes? Obviously current relations with both groups need to be fixed because there are ongoing issues, nor should we celebrate the atrocities that happened during any of the colonial movements.

The Americas are also different from the colonialization of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East because the colonists moved there and stayed there instead of setting up exploitation of resources to send back, thus allowing “decolonizing” of those places to happen. And then decolonizing caused further problems by the colonizers drawing borders on their way out. This isn’t to advocate that they stayed colonies, nor do I think these places would have peacefully self-assembled into their own countries if Europe had just dropped everything and left. Human nature would have still had different land and resource wars happen as the native populations filled back in the power gaps.

Genocide is still as bad now as it was then, and even less acceptable because of our modern and “enlightened” morals. This applies to all ongoing genocides and ethnic cleansing attempts. I’m saying the cat is out of the bag on this though, and no government realistically fears any land back movement causing them to support any other country’s existence.


Not sure where you get genocide denial out of what amounts to “humans have been genociding each other since



Ah, yes, I understand. I did sadly expect there to be nothing articulable backing up this nebulous land back idea beyond apparently a general “US (or maybe just people of European descent in general) bad, and so we must somehow undo centuries of colonization by just giving some undefined land back to undefined people, which is totally possible because sovereign countries voluntarily give up their territory all the time”. I thank you for the enlightening discourse on this topic.


They aren’t denying any genocide.

American_Communist22, avatar

Colonizers still get along


I wouldn’t say that. The Democrats at least are pissed at the continued encroachment of Israeli settlers into the West Bank, which is making any sort of peaceful resolution more and more difficult. And anyone with familiarity in the situation knows that is by design of the genocidal and ethnic cleansing settler movement.


Not pissed enough to actually do anything about it, mind you.

American_Communist22, avatar

I wouldn’t say that. The Democrats at least are pissed at the continued encroachment of Israeli settlers into the West Bank

their billions of dollars they give each year to israel says otherwise

muad_dibber, avatar

I don’t see the distinction you’re trying to make between settler-colonialism and … what? The US is a settler-colonialist project, because it allows them to steal land, or control it via compradores, in their best material interest. Israel is no different, which is why western capitalists created and funded it: a colony run by and for white european millionaires in the ME.


Why does anyone think Israel was there first??? Lmfao. Their own Torah says otherwise.

“God gave this to us” isn’t a legitimate argument.


But it’s basically the same argument the USA used.

Manifest Destiny.


i think most people don’t know the history and just figure it’s a normal country we’re allied with for the normal sort of reasons


I think this is the one relationship where people do know some version of the history.


Even less when they wrote it themselves.


Because Arabs came there only in 600year a.c. While Israely were there from 10 000 b.c. Along with other tribes, but not Arabs. But then Arabs made up Muslim and started claiming everything and being cry babis if not allowed.


Not according to the Bible


I don’t believe a book where all people started from Adam and Eva having two sons, one of them died and second one giving birth to more man etc, without women. Where they fucking goats? Also this book is stupidly bloody, unjust and outright dumb.


That’s funny cuz that is exactly what Israel is basing their claim of this land on.


No. You know nothing about tora and their stupid religion. It was king David and Solomon who made this Jerusalem First Great temple, nothing about Adam or Eva. Palestinians claims this land only because they genocided jews long time ago and killed almost all locals. Israeli made a peace deal and lots of sane Muslim joined new country, but others stated their genocidial things and started bombing them.

So no, Palestinians can go bimb themselvs with such an attitude.

ebenixo, in So many people still think its ok for them to do📱

Are they also going to pay me to use their spy products? I’ll just stop using electronic devices period and get into crafting. These fucking oligarchs are just so sure that we can’t possibly live without plugging ourselves into their mass surveillance that when they flip the switch everyone will just say “oh well it was fun while it lasted, guess ill go along with it the new reality”


You won’t though


Like fucking hell I won’t. I already use a dumb phone for years now.

corship, in Good morning I choose thoughts you've never had before.

How the car looks when this guy enters the room

DumbAceDragon, in Good morning I choose thoughts you've never had before. avatar

All underwear is edible if you’re not a pussy


I’m pretty sure that my girlfriend’s pussy has eaten some of her underwear. There’s always new holes where it’s been chewing.

z500, avatar

Vagina dentata

Fuck_u_spez_, in My puppy is a goldmine for memes

I’ve started buying half a dozen at a time, dumping them all on the floor together, and just letting my two geniuses pick whichever one they want. The younger one always rushes to be the first to grab one and then is immediately dissatisfied when she sees that her sister also got one – apparently one that is even smellier. Does she go back and pick up one of the remaining four hooves that are fair game? Of course not, she sits there brooding for 20 minutes until her sister gets up for a drink and then immediately steals the one she was chewing on.

deez_ballzzz, avatar

@Fuck_u_spez_ yoo. Your username speaks something important. Salute comrade.


The funny part about it is that every other combination I tried was already registered months ago on multiple instances, hence the extra underscore.

LaunchesKayaks, avatar

I also get an ass-ton of hooves and provide them all at once lmao. Dogs are so dramatic.

lugal, in *cleans room*

That’s one version of Camus’ “Image sisyphus happy”


Another interpretation is “Arbeit macht frei”.


Heh Nazis


Bruuuder, wtf

ChickenLadyLovesLife, in I hate to tell ya...

Am I a big enough nerd to correct Death’s grammar here?

jackpot, avatar



Pʟᴇᴀsᴇ, ɢᴏ ᴀʜᴇᴀᴅ.

balderdash9, in Sealed shut

sir, this is a comic

ChaoticNeutralCzech, in Sealed shut

What objects are there in the bottom left?


I assume the three dudes. Hairlines compare well.


I thought that was the inside view…


The powerful seal took their legs

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