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ObstreperousCanadian, in Definetly. avatar

Now they only visit occasionally for surprise proctology exams.

Schnitzel_bub, (edited ) avatar

They’re only checking if our civilization is still at the talking-out-of-our-asses stage.

killeronthecorner, avatar

“it’s a little warm for October” - aliens probably

RawrGuthlaf, in Public Transit my beloved 😍

Yet again, this is not a meme. This is an idealogical pamphlet. I don’t even disagree with the message. But it’s not a meme.


Also, the ideology I agree with but I swear these “memes” are made by the deranged. It’s the kind of handwritten scrawl you expect to see taped to lampposts by the guy who wanders around with empty tincans cellotaped to his patchwork hat


it is a meme

HawlSera, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

It isn’t anti-Semitism to criticize israel, it’s just noticing the obvious.

seitanic, avatar

My favorite was when Bernie Sanders was called antisemitic for criticizing Israel. His response was something along the lines of “It isn’t antisemitic to criticize a right-wing government in Israel.” It must’ve taken all the patience in the world to not add “you fucking toolbags”.


I’m not a Christian, but if Bernie was the second coming…

I’d be only slightly surprised

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Fascists get away with conflating Judaism and Zionism because they don’t teach that Zionism has absolutely nothing to do with Judaism, and actually goes against a lot of their values. It’s actually been around for quite awhile; you know the crusades, when they went around killing a bunch of civilians to set up settlements? Those were Christian Zionists.

That’s why it’s anti-semitic to conflate the two. One is a religion and the other is a fascist genocidal colonialist movement. So next time you see some german lady shouting down a holocaust survivor for calling out Israeli apartheid (yes, this literally happened, and it was the Jewish guy who got punished) you’ll see it for what it is. It’s not complicated, it’s a clear cut case of modern day nazism.


Amen, who was it who said that the way to find out what group is getting away with too much bullshit is to look at what group you’re not allowed to criticize in any Circle?


There are criticisms that are antisemitic. This isn’t one of them, though.


The only one I can think of is the idea that the Jews made up the Holocaust to guilt the West into giving up Israel… Which is indeed antisemetic, and asburd

jcdenton, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre. avatar

Whenever Israel says their gonna bomb a place to let civilians leave, the Hamas make the civilians stay so they get killed along with them. The Hamas are monsters


Israel does not allow Gaza civilians to leave Gaza. Why blame Hamas?

IkarusHagen2, avatar

Cuz hamas is the reason israel bombs the gaza strip and the people of the gaza strip have chosen to let hamas do what they want. It’s kinda the same reason why anti-israel dumbasses say it’s ok to kill israelian civilists

ComradeChairmanKGB, avatar

Do you think history began last Saturday? They don’t bomb Gaza because of Hamas, they bomb Gaza because they’ve been trying to erase Palestine for the last 80 years. They were genociding Palestinians long before Hamas existed.

full_on_rapist, in The nostalgia is real

Bomberman Hero

Secret300, in The nostalgia is real

Gravity rush & Kingdom hearts

Fascism_Chewer, in The nostalgia is real

It’s the Spyro for me dawg

pacoboyd, in Thanks, Windows, I didn’t want my computer to turn off, anyway

So the reason it does this is Windows update requires a reboot. So it installs the patch, reboots AND THEN shuts down. If your missing the final shut down it’s becuase something is preventing it or you started using it again.


This is what it’s supposed to do. What it actually does is just sit doing jack shit at the login screen


Usually I’ve seen this be an issue on custom build rigs where bios might be out of date or something like fast boot is enabled which is known to cause issues in some cases where computer won’t shutdown cleanly.


It has never done so for me. Just restarts and sits on the login screen.


50/50 for me. Last update didn’t shut down, one before that did.


Then something is wrong. Works for me.


Hu weird, this has done so on every single PC I own, including my work laptop and my Surface. No idea what could be wrong, guess some more advanced settings

randint, avatar

Also happens for me. Kinda annoying.

gun, avatar



I want to go find this post and get banned from reddit for the two hundred time…

Hegar, in I hate to tell ya...

There are so many regular comics in my kbin/lemmy feed. Usually amusing. Most of them I enjoy.

This one I really appreciate.

It feels like it does what a joke does, but to create poignancy instead of humor.

GrammatonCleric, in Definetly. avatar

The “great wonders” of this world typically derive from some form of slavery/exploitation.


Skilled paid stonemasons were required to build the tight fitting surface stones of this one, so some of the laborers were definitely not slaves, howeveri believe you’re correct I doubt the sled drag team was salary.


Why can’t you have skilled slaves?


maybe it wasn’t worth teaching slaves how to properly build the pyramids and it was easier to get already educated citizens to build them


Maybe. Or maybe it was worthwhile to enslave people who know how to build pyramids than to pay them?


All those unfinished pyramids around Egypt from people who were robbed of their chance to make their place in history.

kamenlady, avatar

It’s not like any other country was that keen on building pyramids, like ever. Which of the cultures and/or races they enslaved would have experienced pyramid builders to boot?

Even in Egypt, building pyramids was a very niche hobby.


I dunno, I wasn’t around. We have records of different “levels” of slaves in Rome (2000 years later) so it’s possible.

Then again, I think the Nile was the only river providing so much bounty that all the labour could go into such large projects. Obviously Mesopotamia was doing well at the same time, but I don’t think they were doing the same level of megaprojects. BUT, my view is biased I’m that I’m not really aware of sources before about 500BC, so there could have been other megaprojects that didn’t survive.

Regardless, I would estimate a hierarchy of builders and labourers is highly probable for the pryamids. The level of compensation and agency for each of those levels is something I don’t think we know (though this may be my personal blind spot).

I would be surprised if pyramid engineers/architects were allowed to leave their project sites or find other work. But that’s me placing my modern state and strategic lens on a important ressource.

kamenlady, avatar

True. I also went from the assumption that slaves way back then = slaves in recent history.

I like to think that being the pyramid engineer/architect for the current pharaoh at the time would have been even a lifetime job.

If they were allowed to decide themselves what project to work on… I would really like to know that.

Maybe they handed out pamphlets, promoting their skills.


Pete’s Pyramids! Now with 5,000 year guarantee!

If you want to be remembered forever, a Pete’s Pyramid is the only way to guarantee you and your slaves will be entombed forever. Our Ra-proof quadruple slope technology is perfectly aligned with astrological precision to make sure all your worldly belongings make it to the next realm. Ask about our embalming subscription package to keep your organs in the best shape possible.

Mike’s mausoleums don’t have this kind of deal.


By all accounts the builders of the pyramids actually had nice places to live, and a higher quality of life than most Egyptians. In truth there is literally no evidence they were slaves outside of the story of Moses.

stebo02, avatar

In truth there is literally no evidence they were slaves outside of the story of Moses.

Of course there’s no evidence. It happened more than 4000 years ago and there aren’t many writings left. No evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.


No evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

that’s what I tell about my homies about me having had sex.


Ah, going the George Bush route that the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence. So, let me tell you about the unicorns on Mars. What, you can't prove they're not there.

Seriously though, we do have quite a few records from then since the Egyptian kings really wanted people to know about them. We also have archeological finds of where the workers lived. Also in them being given lavish tombs that regular Egyptians at the time didn't. This stuff is really not hard to look up.

Pistcow, in I hate to tell ya...

I see the as an absolute win.

YourMomLovesMe, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.


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  • matcha_addict,

    I addressed those falsehoods already. Feel free to address my arguments there.


    Gosh, why would anyone think Israel is bad?

    Whattrees, avatar

    Would you blame some Ukrainians for wanting all Russians dead?

    What if Russia kept this up for 50 years? What if they cut off power and water to Ukraine? What if they blockaded it for decades? Would you blame them for voting for a party that wants the Russians dead? Do you blame Afghan citizens for supporting the Taliban after a decade of American occupation?

    Good luck finding anyone who thinks Hamas’ actions are good, but they are entirely predictable. Hamas is the only outcome that could ever happen with the environment Israel created and maintains to this day.

    If riots are the voice of the unheard, terrorists are the voice of those unheard after decades of oppression and occupation.

    khannie, avatar

    Would you blame some Ukrainians for wanting all Russians dead?

    I mean that’s a fucked up starting point tbh, so yeah, I would.

    Ukraine has made it clear they’ll stop at their border. Hamas have made it clear they will not. They’re an existential threat to Israel.

    edit: we’re all looking in thinking an equitable two state solution is the answer but Hamas have made it clear that’s not an option for them. How do you discuss anything with someone whose stated goal is to eradicate you?

    At least in Northern Ireland the goal was to leave Britain alone after a united Ireland had been achieved.

    Whattrees, avatar

    You really wouldn’t understand why some Ukrainians would support a party that calls for the death of all Russians? You really can’t see why Afghans supported the Taliban during the American occupation? I’m not asking if it’s right for them to do so, or if it’s right for people to support those that do, in asking if you can understand why they’d feel that way.

    What are your thoughts about the Haitian slave revolt?

    Hamas’ stated goal is a product of Israeli actions. Terrorist groups calling for the destruction of another country don’t tend to form in stable, prosperous, and free countries.

    Not to mention that Israel has been actively stealing Palestinian land for decades and recently argued to the UN that all of Palestine was a part of Israel. They aren’t exactly respecting the border either. They are also seen as an existential threat to the Palestinians.

    Israel doesn’t see a two state solution as an option either. They either want full control over Palestine or a puppet state that they have almost total control over. No real Arab state would be allowed by them and they’ve made that clear.

    Nothing good will happen until tensions deescalate, which can’t happen until Israel backs down from their occupation and oppression. You won’t stop making new terrorists until they are treated as people.

    lesnout27, in Is the cure to male loneliness the Third Impact?



    My second monitor has a Roku plugged into it. Somehow Roku is even less lonely than just watching a livestream in my browser. Idk, TV brain from being raised with cable.

    keropoktasen, in If you only criticize civilian casualties when Palestine resists, then your concern isn't civilian casualties. Your concern is Palestine resisting massacre.

    This is highly misleading. Hamas is not palestine and vice versa. What israel is fighting against is hamas, who are cowardly hiding behind civilians. The only reason the israeli can survive thousands of rocket launch from hamas over the years was because of their superior defence system. Hamas’ own rocket sometimes fell into their own territory, killing palestinian, but many people would just shut their eyes to this.

    TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

    Hamas is the only defense line of Palestine, so militarily, Hamas has been Palestine for a very long time.


    This reminds me of that movie where the bad guy takes a bunch of hostages as a human shield and the good guy just kills all of them so he can kill the bad guy. Wait… that never happens


    That movie was called Sri Lanka I believe


    Wait what? Are you seriously comparing this to a movie?


    Nah I’m saying you have less moral understanding than most basic hollywood movies.


    Israel is fighting against all of Palestine, not just Hamas.

    who are cowardly hiding behind civilians

    Israel won’t let civilians outside of Gaza. They want Hamas to be among civilians. Moreover, Israel brutalizes Palestinians who live inside Israeli borders, without Hamas troops present.


    I think you are stretching. They don’t want civilians mixed in with hamas. The political damage it does to them is not insignificant. But there is no way they can tell which people are civilians to let out and which are civilians. Not saying they are the good guys either though.


    They absolutely do. Their goal is ethnic cleansing. Every Israeli policy is about forcing Palestinians outside of Palestine. Why else are most Palestinians never allowed to come back if they leave, or given hell for it in the minority cases that they are?

    You can absolutely verify a civilian. Are you kidding me?!! You guys will say anything to justify keeping people in a concentrstjon camp. I can’t believe the degree of heartlessness.


    As you claim others will say anything, you do litterally that. You claim to know the minds and intentions of how many people? Are you a mind reader? Clairvoyant? And I doubt you have knowledge of even 1% of the Isreali policies, yet claim they all have one goal.
    Do you even know you can support a side without spewing false BS. There are plenty of reasonable arguments, but you choose to sound like someone on fox news instead. You hurt your cause more then help it.


    I did not mean literally every written rule of Israel. I obviously do not have the bandwidth to read them all. But Israel’s policy against Palestinians is that. I’m sure you knew what I meant.


    Are you implying that the goal, either directly or indirectly, of the entire Middle East outside of Israel ISN’T ethnic cleansing? I’m pretty sure the second Israel can’t or chooses not to stand against Hamas as strongly as they are, they’ll be targets of pretty much every other nation in the region. The world hates jews, particularly that region. Both sides are absolute disgraces to humanity, and I’m not willing to call a blatant act of terrorism on either side in ANY way justified.


    Why lump Palestinians with what corrupt governments installed by the West (like Israel) hundreds if not thousands of kilometers away have done?

    We already know how Palestinians treated Jewish migrations prior to Israel’s creation. When Europe was persecuring jews, Palestinians were teaching Jewish refugees how to farm (because in many parts of Europe, they weren’t allowed to).

    But your “we have to massacre Palestinians, because what if we don’t, have you not considered they may massacre us too???!!”. This colonial mindset is nonsensical.


    What israel did was, they gave warnings to civilians whenever they target any building but there’s no perfect system that can precisely hit the target and prevent casualities. Do you see hamas doing the same? They indiscriminately send rockets that would’ve surely hit israel civilians if not for the iron dome. So from there, we can see who the bad guy is.


    Their “warning” consists of shooting a smaller missile at the roof of a building a few minutes before the main missile. Obviously a great and super effective warning

    be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

    What israel did was, they gave warnings to civilians whenever they target any building but there’s no perfect system that can precisely hit the target and prevent casualities.

    "No Perfect System"


    What good does a warning do?

    Hey, I’m about to obliterate your neighborhood in 12 hours. Get ready.

    Gee thanks, don’t know what I would’ve done. Now I’m sure you’ll at least let me seek refuge in the territories you occupy, Israel, right? Right?!!

    Hamas missiles target military installations, not civilians. Israel has the modern weaponry to only target the militants, whereas Hamas doesn’t. Yet Israel’s casualties have magnitudes more of civilians than Hamas, despite their imprecise weapons.


    The difference is, hamas uses civilian buildings AS military buildings. They literally use their brethren as shields, so they can say “you can’t attack us or it’s a humanitarian crisis!”

    Yes, bombing civilian buildings SUCKS, but we have to also at least acknowledge the wrongs of Hamas here, acknowledge how they’ve pretty much left no other options.


    Hamas missiles target military installations, not civilians.

    Hey, I agree with most of what you’re saying in this thread, but that seems disingenuous. First of all, Hamas seems to have developed a home-grown rocket manufacturing capability, undoubtedly with the support of the IRGC. While they probably hold some precision-guided munitions in reserve, they’ve yet to demonstrate that. So, at present, any reference to Hamas missiles is moot.

    Moreover, Hamas has, in recent days, specifically targeted Israeli civilians. Setting aside any partisan reporting, there is overwhelming evidence that Hamas intentionally murdered hundreds of civilians. That being the case, your imprecation that

    Hamas missiles target military installations

    seems pretty disingenuous.

    Is Bibi the good guy here? Of fucking course not. Aside from widely-reported ‘intelligence failures’, he’s on the record supporting Hamas, in order to prop up his own fascist regime. If anyone’s more guilty than Hamas, it’s fucking Netanyahu.


    Hamas seems to have developed a home-grown rocket manufacturing capability

    That exactly tells you why it’s so imprecise. Israel has weapons created by the world’s top rocket scientists and the most precise manufacturing facilities, and for Hamas it’s people who barely have couple hours of electricity per day putting something together in one of the most densely populated areas, full of rubble and destruction.

    When I say they “target” military facilities, I mean that’s what they aim for. Not that they have the high military capabilities to never miss.

    Moreover, Hamas has, in recent days, specifically targeted Israeli civilians

    I don’t deny that there are individuals in Hamas who have targeted civilians or killed them needlessly. Hamas is a resistance militia and not a hive mind. Unfortunately, living your entire life in a concentration camp with limited food and electricity, watching families burning alive and buildings coming down may lead you to hate people who are rave dancing on the gates of your open air prison, or even the regular civilians. It is not rational, but it is bound to happen. And because of this, I blame Israel.

    And I don’t blame Israel to absolve Hamas of blame. Hamas leadership is complicit in ignoring civilian killing, I do not deny this. But blaming Hamas will drive no significant change. The root cause of these issues is Israel. At the very least, the civilian killings are usually individual actions, and Hamas’ military campaigns target the military. Whereas for Israel, civilians are target, and Hamas is their tool to convince Israelis that bombing Gaza is good.

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