Waluigis_Talking_Buttplug, Yarrrr
robotopera, This is the way but apple peeps can’t help themselves.
FiduciaryOne, How has nobody mentioned Shrinking? It’s amazing! Also Bill Lawrence.
LucidLethargy, Meh, I wasn’t a huge fan. Watched the entire series and it was always a borderline show. I liked The Big Door Prize better. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention that on here yet…
MonsieurArchi, Shrinking is amazing!
KeefChief13, I think u meant MLS season pass…
robotopera, Maybe if they hired a single around engineer or their commentators werent on par with the NFL’s “hot takes by a guy with tbi.”
Imgonnatrythis, Makes me feel better about not subscribing. I couldn’t get into Ted Lasso. There, I said it, go ahead and kick sand in my face.
lambda, You haven’t watched Shrinking then…
executive_chicken, Someone didn’t bother watching For All Mankind, and it shows. Do yourself a favor and give it a watch!
Landmammals, Hi Bob
khannie, Hi Bob
robotopera, Yeah but stop at season 2.
cloud_herder, Why not past 2?
Landmammals, Danny and Karen.
cloud_herder, Oh Jesus Christ, you’re right. I forgot. It was so hard to watch.
LucidLethargy, I’m also curious… It’s on my list before my free trial ends.
I’ve had a free trial for almost a year now, lol. But I won’t be paying for it afterwards…
khannie, I enjoyed season 3. Looking forward to the new season. Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Littleborat, I watched it long ago. Do they start with Mars now and is it the same actors?
Evotech, (edited ) Invasion is decent
Foundation is super good
Slow horses is super good
Honestly a lot of great shows recently have been on 🍎+
Conyak, There are some great shows on Apple TV but for me Foundation is not one of them. I really enjoyed The Afterpart.
LucidLethargy, Yeah, it was kind of boring, right? Very little happens. The entire first series should have been 2-3 episodes at the most.
AstridWipenaugh, Can’t wait for Silo S2!
money_loo, How have you not tried Silo?!?
Evotech, It’s been on my list for a while… Guess I’ll have to finally watch it!
money_loo, I enjoyed it so much I bought the books.
I think it’s the first time in my life I bought a book instead of using the library, but when I tried to check them out they were backordered for months because of the popularity of the damn show. Lol
Future203, I might still be watching invasion if it weren’t so damn dark, as in, I’m watching a black tv screen for 30% of each episode. Really enjoyed lasso, foundation, and currently watching for all mankind which is also quite good so far.
loboaureo, Fundation, severance and tales from the loop.
At other hand nice meme and Ted Lasso is a must
RizzRustbolt, Did Apple pick up Tales from the Loop?
Numberone, Just looked it up, looks like it’s still Amazon. Could be missing something though.
LucidLethargy, No, they did not. It’s Amazon Prime.
LucidLethargy, All of those can be watched in a month, though. It’s not enough to sustain an entire subscription. Also, foundation kind of sucked (nothing happened… maybe it will in the future, but also maybe it won’t)
Tales from the loop is actually on Amazon prime, lol.
Littleborat, Silo is also on apple+
ExLisper, Very meh. I first episodes that followed the books more closely were pretty good but later they just remove all the good bits and what’s left is just not that interesting.
ours, “For all mankind” is far from flawless but I quite enjoyed it so far.
enbee, its not an ongoing series but Station 11 kicks ass.
LucidLethargy, That’s not on Apple TV. It’s on (HBO) Max.
Why are so many people in this thread attributing shows to Apple TV that were never on Apple TV?
Apple TV+ does not have enough shows to justify $10/month.
enbee, huh, I guess I misremembered. and I agree with you 1000%.
treadful, Apple TV+ does not have enough shows to justify $10/month.
$10 is the new $5
LucidLethargy, lol, I can totally see this on an Apple Billboard.
LucidLethargy, (edited ) Yup. And now it’s over. And so is my free trial next January. Bye, Apple TV. I won’t miss you.
rahmad, Not enough shoutouts for Shrinking here…
Ted Lasso is definitely holding up the platform, no disagreement, but there’s some other great content there as well. Prehistoric Planet, too.
jivandabeast, Shrinking was really fire
Retrograde, Severance is brilliant
chiliedogg, Ted Lasso and Shrinking are both made by Bill Lawrence, who also made Spin City, Scrubs, and Cougar Town.
It’s not Apple that makes the shows good.
rahmad, (edited ) Apple licenses the content from the creators – that’s true of almost every network and many film distributors as well.
Few distributors make their content in house. 'Netflix Original ’ doesn’t mean it was made by ‘Netflix Studios’ – they don’t exist. What happened was (for a series) that either a complete season or a pilot was shopped around, and Netflix bought the (exclusive) rights, which made that piece of content a Netflix Original. For films, they have usually already been made and are in a limited theatrical run (eg. Festivals) or are being shopped around privately. I imagine a limited few have distribution deals made prior to production, but that’s still not ‘Netflix’ (or Apple) making that content.
Apples launch content (eg. Ted Lasso) was produced to prop up the platform, but the method by which that content was discovered, funded and then licensed is not much different from how a traditional network (like NBC) might function.
Ryan213, Shrinking is right up there with Ted Lasso - the only two shows I subscribed to Apple TV for. Lol
bouldering_barista, Only reason I use AppleTV is MLS. To be fair, they’ve done better than I expected so far, hoping improvements keep coming though.
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