But in a profit driven economy, hobbies are fertile ground to make great margins by creating the illusion of need and effectively price fixing with competitors without actual direct organization.
In so, so many fields, prices are set by no force more real than what the consumer is willing to spend. Not materials, not labor, not logistics…just “it costs this much because that’s what people are willing to pay”.
That’s why it’s worth getting into non competitive hobbies: the difference between expensive gear and basic gear has far less impact on overall enjoyment of the hobby when that difference doesn’t correlate to the difference between having a competitive edge, or not, due to gear. At that point, expensive stuff is a luxury and an option, rather than a prerequisite to be on equal footing.
tbf, the confluence of overpriced hobbies and autistic intensity of focus does open up a monetizable door. Most educational/tutorial content is very light on details, for efficiency’s sake. This content is useful for people new to whatever hobby.
But, there’s also always a smaller segment of people looking to advance from the beginner to the intermediate level, or intermediate to advanced. These people need all the details, and that market is often unfilled, depending on hobby. Even if it is filled though, at that level of complexity, there’s usually more details that can be provided.
So, you end up with guys like AJ Pickett and his Dungeons & Dragons content. Not that he’s autistic, he may or may not be. He’s just a niche, successful, hobby-education-oriented content creator.
My killer is videogames, movies and TV shows and books. I bought a limited edition of Lord of the rings where it’s got gold leaf pages, coloured maps and is one volume and I’ve still been planning to read it 1-2 years later. It cost me 50-60 quid too.
I’m terribly sorry to inform you that it seems that we will be getting an even more complete extra extended edition for the 25th anniversary, at least that’s what Peter Jackson seems to be indicating in the commentary of the old extended edition.
The book is a good read, though The Two Towers drags a bit. I do wonder for people that saw the movies first, if you’ll be as offended as a certain subsection of the fandom that just cannot understand why they didn’t do a line by line recreation of the book. (Spoiler, it wouldn’t have translated to film very well.)
I read the fellowship years ago and ended up in a situation where I had all 3 books but they’re all different editions which annoyed me so I bought an all in one, the gilded pages and coloured maps and the extended glossary were all what sold me on the one I bought.
My life is botany and mycology. I make money from it. Not spend money. You don’t need a accreditation to study, grow, love plants and you don’t need work for anyone else.
I'm a hobbyist gardener - or, rather, plant enthusiast - but even if I know that the plants themselves might be considered valuable, the scale I'd have to engage in it to make it capable of supporting me in its own is... daunting, to say the least.
A fun one is set you up a nice little greenhouse’situation (use what you got. Figure it out) and get a bunch of tomatoes started real early. Then you can sell knee high plants as soon as the frost is past for $20 a pop
Yes. People buy tomatoes. What? I’m glad you got motherfuckers just handing out fruits and vegetables in your neighborhood but you have to realize that you are a special case.
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