With a democratic leader you at least have the chance to vote them out. With a bad communist leader you kiss their ass or go to the gulag, or fall out a window.
People are most afraid of nuclear energy by two reasons: accidents and wars.
The first has nothing to do with capitalism, we can only trust on workers and expect things to go ok. The second is more a fear mongering by the global north/rich people who want to make everyone worried when a global south country starts to invest in nuclear science and related things. In other words: capitalism influence.
Hell I’d say your double right, accidents are definitely influenced by the system that precipitates them. Redundant safety features, emergency protocol training, protective gear, preventative maintainance…under our current system, all of these things cost money, and since profit is the primary motive, they will be the first things to be slashed when say, the price of energy goes up and they decide to maintain profits by cutting overhead.
Half the episodes on Well There’s Your Problem are “this vital part was removed or left unmaintained for legal or financial reasons until it caused an explosive train derailment.”
AI generated or human artwork created CP is also kind of debatable in terms of harm causing vs potential harm reduction. (IE the question is, does availability of fake CP in which no one is harmed in the making of it, lessen or raise the amount of actual offenders).
Misinformation, scams etc… all just as likely to happen via shops of cheap labor
The problems of AI that I believe this post is talking about, are the labor displacement issues, IE when AI gets good enough to outperform humans at tasks… how will the economy deal with unemployable people. Which is a specifically capitalism problem. IE the fact that work is based on supply/demand… and lowering the supply of work while keeping peoples demand of needing income… leads to people starving to death.
I think the concern being solved is: In capitalism AI makes owners lives better and workers lose jobs. In communism AI makes workers lives better because they’re all the owners.
My biggest concern with “AI” is people trusting it. It seems to be wrong a lot and people are misinformed enough already. I don’t think this is solved by people owning the means of production.
That’s not a problem that’s unique to AI, though; and misinformation would be much easier to address if you remove the profit incentive. Misinformation sells.
My concerns with AI are like doctors cheating their way through school with chatGPT and deepfakes leading nations into war, other people’s concerns with AI are that rich artists won’t get credit for derivative works. It’s all a fucking joke to me and I’m going to keep enjoying my time with Stable Diffusion.
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