Reminds me of the situation in Germany at the moment. The federal constitutional court ruled 60 billion € Climate Credit for saving our future to be illegal. The Christian Party sued because of a dumb rule. But we just gave the military 100bn € out of the back pocket.
Pew pews equal big quick money for the government. With climate investments the returns would take up to 10 years… 5 years… Immediately after it’s spent.
“I am somehow less concerned with the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain, than the near certainty that men and women of equal talent have died toiling in cotton fields and sweatshops” (and prison labor)
“Ain’t it funny how the factory’s doors close? ’Round the time that the school doors close? ’Round the time that the doors of the jail cells Open up to greet you like the reaper?”
The bloke I took it off of was in Discord. The original I stole had its watermark removed apparently. I reverse imaged searched the image and found the original artist and their tweet!
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