dauerstaender, ಠ▄ಠ
BobVersionFour, Dull sword paid actor fake village we got ourself a skyrim truman show let's make it happen !
NocturnalMorning, Isn’t that just called a movie?
konalt, ![]()
Not if the lead believes it’s real.
PsychedSy, If you can fuck me up enough to believe it I’ll do it.
Hubi, deleted_by_author
NocturnalMorning, Hopefully nowhere
TIMMAY, hopefully now, here???
PsychedSy, I mean I can prolly only find fentanyl but you can cashapp me. I have a friend that would prolly be able to safely do the injections and I know when ff11 came out I stayed up all night playing wolf:et and then I drove to get my preorder I thought leaves blowing across the road were 'nades so there’s precedent that my brain can fuck up the way we want.
Duke_Nukem_1990, Ah, treating people affected by adiction like subhumans. The american way!
velox_vulnus, Shh, don’t give any ideas to these prank YouTubers!
darkdemize, “Hey, you. You’re finally awake.”
uphillbothways, ![]()
"Skyrim universe"
Haven't even played an elder scrolls game in over 15 years, and I know it's called Tamriel.
tilcica, skyrim is a country/province of tamriel
tamriel is the continent on nirn
nirn is the planet in mundus
mundus is the mortal plane that is surrounded by oblivion
oblivion is the smaller set of planes of existence inside aetherius that is inhabited by daedra
aetherius is the immortal plane, it is the source of all creation
holy shit these games have a fuck ton of lore
pipe01, I should have paid more attention to the lore
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