It’s been proven that humans didn’t actually get most of their fresh air from the rainforest, but actually from millions of these algea in the sea… Which is actually more logical, since trees do the opposite at night, kinda undoing any advantage they made during the day… Hence why it’s said you should never put a decorative small tree or even plants in the bedroom as they can take away oxygen levels in closed rooms at night. It’s even said not to sleep under trees outside at night cause it can cause respiratory problems.
They don’t use enough oxygen over night to negate the effect as they use the carbon to grow. It’s still bad to have a lot of plants in your bedroom, but it doesn’t really matter as long as they are relatively small.
That had me go and look it up and apparently you’re right that they use part of the carbon dioxide as energy storage, but as I understand this storage eventually gets released in full when the tree dies too…
Not sure if that would be so much to balance it out again, but it does still diminish their overall effect even more…
It is just how a tree works, it gets the matter to grow from the carbon dioxide. If they are burned or they die this carbon is slowly released again, same way as coal has carbon that is stored until burning
Local ordinances specify minimum space requirements for trees, which may mean that they’re not allowed to be put in certain places. Also, they can cause pedestrian safety issues, as well as Ada compliance problems in confined spaces. This is an easy way to get something green in a place where you would otherwise not see a tree because of a lot of beaurocratic bullshit.
Obviously, you can argue that all that needs to be changed. And you’d be right. And in many places it’s moving that way. But then you also wouldn’t get anything done for quite some time. This is an option where there might be no other viable options at the moment.
I am under the impression that trees don’t actually produce that much oxygen. That they’re more like carbon banks, storing it as they grow and then releasing it again when they die, rot or burn down. Meanwhile most of the oxygen produced actually comes from algae and other sources.
Source: some old memory of something I heard, so take it with a grain of salt. It would explain these things tho, beyond the cases where growing a tree would be impractical.
People can grow trees. You need a lot more to make one of those contraptions. Hard to control people when they can just grow a plant to do what they need.
Because they pick trees that have gender. They plant male trees, see dogwoods, the flower but not bare fruit. So you get allergies because of tree cum. And as far as I know plankton cum doesn’t come with side effects.
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