You don’t have to worry about that, It’s an Elon Musk owned product, he already solved that with TwiXer. He just has to make sure that Nazi’s can send their propoganda to your brain, and then advertisers will stay very far away from the neuro link.
What. I still rember the article about the Monkeys Musk butchered with his Microchips! This was terrifying and disgusting and now he is allowed to do this to humans?! WTF.
Regulatory capture at work. If you’re the second-richest man in the world and a darling of the far right to boot, they’ll let you do pretty much whatever you want.
“Your subscription to arm control has expired. Please wiggle your eyebrows in a lewdly suggestive manner to pay subscription fee plus $69 lateness surcharge and a $420 because we can addendum”
Man, I don’t know what right wingers y’all are talking about.
I come from a super right wing family and all them MFs think this is a bad idea too (though to be fair, they’re def on the conspiracy theory “everything is to get a microchip in my blood/brain” side of things).
I suppose my instinctive reaction isn’t to assume someone’s politics would determine how they react to Musk.
My first real assumption would be that tech/engineering types are the only ones who’d really think about him at all (in both directions). Like, I do have an uncle who occasionally brings him up whenever theirs news on SpaceX’s rockets (though usually this gets brought up in the context of “new technology sucks” and “what was wrong with the rockets that carried up Voyager” and such).
So yeah, I really don’t think I’d describe anyone as “gargling Elon’s cock” except those who still have good will for Tesla.
Nobody said anything about FAR right. In fact, you’re the one who’s characterizing people as extremists for disagreeing with you, a typical centrist move.
That and anyone who explains to the left that they too would like a better nominee, but we can figure that out after this crucial election cycle…during every election cycle for their entire life, which are the only times they discuss politics.
Honestly I haven’t heard any of my right wing coworkers etc… talk about this particular company, but I have heard a lot of elon worship from them. IE I hear a lot of them talk about how he’s gone so pro free speach with twitter. (and they tend to ignore me when I point out that he’s censoring every bit as much as the old twitter, he’s just nicer to the nazis and less nice to the left.
Ugh, yeah, that is a point of frustration I have with the family.
For them, it’s not so much “look what Musk is doing” so much as “look at how much better Twitter’s gotten”, which is particularly ripe cause none of them even use the platform. As I think on it, that probably means the big Fox talking heads are saying things like that.
I never got into Twitter myself (just never really understood / took to the format), which is kind of a shame cause I’d really like to be supporting Mastodon in this years surgance of the Fediverse.
I come from a super-right wing family too (but from Europe) and they really are in love Elon because it’s like “a dog being out of control” in the billionaire group, the one who is brave enough to go against the rules, defying the “cancel culture” and the unidirectional thinking imposed by political correctness.
Yeah, I hate how toxic just politics in general get. Like, it feels like any time anything political gets brought up, everyone leaves their good will and sense of humanity at the door, ya know?
I do enjoy how much tech-focused content is on Lemmy, but it also feels like there’s a higher concentration of toxic leftist type posts.
That’s definitely a thing I miss about the good ol’ reddit days: being able to scroll for days without seeing anything political. Or rather - being able to filter out all the political subs and not feeling like you were missing out on the larger conversation on the platform.
Unfortunately, everything is political, and this has always been true, and will never not be, as long as humans exist. If you were able to ignore politics, it just means you were unaware of them, likely because they weren’t hurting you or anyone you cared about. The uptick in “toxic” posts in the last decade is because more people are in danger now, and are highly aware of it, and more people are actively dangerous, and are stirring the pot. It didn’t get more political, it got more dangerous.
In general I would argue that he has a good reputation, due to good marketing mostly. A great lot of people see him as some sort of “illuminated visionary” who fosters innovation for the Good™ and will save humanity with SpaceX, Tesla, etc. [I don’t agree personally to any of it but that’s another story].
Ugh, yeah, I don’t hate the guy, but I also think that anyone who still thinks he’s a visionary hasn’t actually been paying attention to his work/how his companies are going lately.
Just to be clear, the Far Left and the Far Right wings of parliament in America are equally retarded as one another. Just for different reasons.
You lot are so fucking polarised, you don’t even see your internal self-destruction slowly growing (your next civil war is only around the corner, mark my words).
If you had some common sense and civility to one another, and worked through arguments and came to agreements, you would not be this retarded as a country. You might actually stop voting decrepit old cunts in too.
All countries have left and right, but you are on another level. Here, we have labour/liberal but the are only just over the centerline. They often agree on certain aspects. But when they don’t it is debated out and decided. Sometimes they ask the populous to vote, in case of stalemate or major disagreement.
We the people own the government, not the other way around. But you, America, have forgotten that, and you your “vote if you want” attitude has you under the thumb. Same with [lets be honest, fucking bribes] masked as donations. How you are not in the bottom quarter of the most corrupt countries list has me baffled.
Just to be clear, the Far Left and the Far Right wings of parliament in America are equally retarded as one another. Just for different reasons.
Debunked horseshoe theory bullshit. There’s no “far left” in the American “parliament” (it’s called the Congress. At least try learning the terms before you start spouting your bullshit).
Besides, even if we DID accept your premise of European style Social Democrats being “far left”, wanting people to have healthcare and a living wage isn’t equivalent to fucking FASCISM in any way.
Also, no ableist slurs, please.
Here, we have labour/liberal but the are only just over the centerline
Keir “I desperately want to be Tony Blair” Starmer’s Labour isn’t left of center. It’s center-right at best.
We the people own the government, not the other way around
Says a guy from the kingdom whose royal family is the number one land owner in the world and has had 3 different Tory PMs since the last election.
Same with [lets be honest, fucking bribes] masked as donations. How you are not in the bottom quarter of the most corrupt countries list has me baffled.
Right on the money (pun intended) with this, though.
From which country are you? What far left would there be on the US? The Democrats are ranging from center left to right-wing, from an EU view.
Saying both sides when there is one side prohibiting books about LGBTQ people, wanting to not allow trans people existing and trying to turn over democracy and the other one… wanting health care, is just utter bullshit.
LGTV is retarded. 99% of the earths population does not agree due to SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, Regardless off all the noise you make - no one with half a brain will care. so FUCK OFF.
The labour party is literally further left than the American Left Wing of Congress lol.
That might have been true under Corbyn, but definitely not now that Keir “I desperately want to be Tony Blair” Starmer has taken over and remade the party in his center right to right wing image.
There is not a single far left politician in Congress.
You have vastly overestimated your understanding of American politics.
If you can't make your point without being an ableist ass, maybe don't bother making it at all (in this case, you've not only shown yourself off as an ableist, but as one who has zero understanding of US politics, too, so you've really contributed nothing of any value, and have just made the community more hostile, great job)
You are absolutely correct. And just to prove your point, some American is definitely going to accuse you of being right-wing (since most of lemmy is left) for pointing that out.
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