cerement, kevlar body armor was developed by a pizza delivery guy
KreekyBonez, well now, how about that
not_that_guy05, Yes it was
ZoopZeZoop, Indeed
Annoyed_Crabby, Have you heard of the High Elves?
Aurenkin, I saw a mud crab the other day, horrible creatures
c0mbatbag3l, Well yeah, but he was also an ex marine lol
Though he did get the idea after successfully defending himself in an armed robbery attempt while delivering pizza.
SnotFlickerman, It’s also really, really easy to lose your job as a pizza delivery person.
cryptosporidium140, (edited ) How so? I’ve never done pizza delivery, but is it due to customers who wish to pay in other ways?
wreckedcarzz, “here is 6 months access to my onlyfans”
MrVilliam, It’s not so much about how pizza delivery drivers get easily fired. It’s more about how cops get away with literal murder. If a pizza dude killed somebody who called for them, they wouldn’t have a union and PR team fighting for them and showing that the murder victim was maybe kinda asking for it because they ordered pineapple on their pizza. That’s a metaphor for a light criminal record, yes.
GreyEyedGhost, I propose that pineapple on pizza is the equivalent of personal quantities of pot possession in the legal world. Sure, a lot of people who claim to have never done it sure spend a lot of time talking about how terrible it is on a personal and societal level, but the ones who are actually using it just shrug their shoulders and say “more for me.”
cerement, blue cheese, pineapple, and pepperoni
aphlamingphoenix, Pepperoni, pineapple, and jalapeno.
FlyingSquid, but the ones who are actually using it just shrug their shoulders and say “more for me.”
Not more for me. And I have tried it. No thank you. You can have my slices.
saltesc, Know a guy whose friend murdered.a guy and didn’t get paid leave or nothing. Straight up fired.
thefartographer, Only if you have an order with extra meat. The same problem goes for plumbers.
cerement, pizza delivery guys don’t get qualified immunity
AngryCommieKender, Fun fact: qualified immunity is illegal according to the law as passed by Congress. The 1982 SCOTUS unintentionally legislated from the bench in Harlow V Fitzgerald
Transporter_Room_3, Turnover is already high due to shitty work conditions and low pay, but most franchises will also look for reasons to fire so they can keep wages low.
A few minutes later than the customer wants but still within reasonable time? Oooh sorry they called to complain so we have to give you a strike.
Customer doesn’t want to pay? Tough shit, you shouldn’t have given them the pizza without getting paid and that’s two strikes.
You were 30 seconds late according to the managers watch which is 3 minutes fast as proven by everyone’s cellphones and the wall clock? Too bad, fired.
And I’m not exaggerating. I’m just giving a real-world example.
AVincentInSpace, Including the manager’s watch one?
Transporter_Room_3, Especially that one. Seriously.
Ultimately I was just done and had already been looking for another job, so I just went ahead and dropped the shit on the floor and spent the rest of the day chilling at the park. I even had witnesses to the insane bullshit.
samus12345, Not to mention the risk of being frozen for a thousand years.
thefartographer, I. C. Weiner?
FlyingSquid, Crud.
samus12345, Here’s to another lousy millennium.
shani66, Fuck if he wasn’t right too
FlyingSquid, Pizza delivery people have to get out of their car in any weather. Cops only have to get out of their car if they feel like it. Also, cops don’t have to buy their own gas.
lugal, And it really does contribute to society
MrVilliam, A pizza can feed a family of four. A cop could feed his family of four if his wife and kids hadn’t left him for the domestic abuse reported amongst 40%* of all American cops.
- 40% is the self-reported figure. Unreported instances presumably would make the actual number much higher.
lugal, Eat a pizza and you’re fed for a day. Be shot by a cop and you will never be hungry again
doingless, I feel like “The thin crust line” would work better than “The thin bread crust”.
grayman, I was robbed a lot when I delivered pizza.
SuckMyWang, May be you should have tried not getting robbed?
Son_of_dad, Tip your building superintendent this Christmas, they’re actually on the top 10 list of dangerous jobs in North America, like 10 spots above cops. I’ve done the job and it’s high risk of ergonomic injury, as well as accidents, and working alone makes it even more hazardous. You can get sick from the job, get crushed by garbage bins, electrocuted, poisoned, gased, burned, fall off a ladder or worse, and it’s low pay.
LemmyKnowsBest, Superintendent? Don’t you mean janitor? Custodian?
Son_of_dad, Custodian more like it, janitors just clean up. Many people call them building supers
Tikiporch, (edited ) Driving a car is why both are dangerous.
Edit: look up the most dangerous jobs BLS stats, and most common cause of death for almost all jobs is transportation related.
gnate, Other people driving is the dangerous part, hence garbage collection and postal delivery being near the top of the list.
Chakravanti, And soon to be you will find them employed by the Mafia betting their own whole life upon the success of a 30 minute delivery.
And don’t touch the Snow Crash.
foyrkopp, Except at that point the Mafia are somehow supposedly the good guys?
Axiochus, The best franchise!
Chakravanti, No one is “good” just “good at” anyone saying otherwise is literally using religion to lie to you about being the very delusion of anyone that is “good.”
foyrkopp, Found the morality relativist.
Chakravanti, I am not a relativist. Though there is something specific to which I relate my development of skills towards.
cerement, kinda hard to be worse than the police …
skulblaka, Uncle Enzo isn't going to let you down unless you let him down first.
RealFknNito, Source: I made it the fuck up
brbposting, You have to define danger and timeframe. Here are some calculations.
voidMainVoid, Police were more likely to be killed by violence than most other positions (which are almost always accident/negligence related), although somewhat ironically their most likely cause of death in 2021 was covid
Just…WOW. In case anyone was wondering about how fucked the US police are.
blanketswithsmallpox, (edited ) Indeed. Iirc I contributed heavily to that thread with sources and it’s simply not true almost any way you slice it.
The closest proximity is using accidental vehicle deaths but it completely discounts the fact delivery drivers mostly deliver in town where speeds are low.
Unfortunately there’s no good data tracking for gig work yet which would be the nearest parable.
E: I was not lazy and found my old comment for sauce.
SuckMyWang, I don’t appreciate your common sense/rationalisation or water pouring/fun dampening on the internet. Please leave.
blanketswithsmallpox, (edited ) And I’ll take my crusts with me!
FWIW I was not lazy and found my old comment if anyone wants sauce. It’s absolutely 100% grade-A BS from a scummy lawyer group cherry-picking data that doesn’t include ‘Pizza delivery’ or any conventional ‘delivery driver’ that aren’t big rigs or siilar.
RealFknNito, Yeah I’m just exhausted tolerating you cop hating retards. You’re so far gone you’re arguing in bad faith and using literally any bottom of the barrel numbers to say the dumbest bullshit.
brbposting, Me?! Check my post history
CowsLookLikeMaps, 🫡
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