Omega_Haxors, I have fast healing so by the time I even notice the scab and pick it off, the skin underneath has already been replaced.
Caketaco, I’m a grown man; I eat the crust.
Omega_Haxors, Sheen: “Excuse me teacher, the scab I was picking flung off in your direction, can you please give it back?”
Mubelotix, It’s actually a good thing to remove them, your body needs you to. The crust prevents the skin from properly reparing. No wonder why we all do this instinctively
MadBob, “Crust from your wound”? You couldn’t word it a bit more disgustingly?
Schnitzel_bub, Solidified, dead blood. Is it still part of you, or is it just stuck in you like a cork? Quick, rip it off to get rid of this existentialist grey area by throwing it out the window.
Suppoze, Poetic comment
Fizz, I had to read this meme 10 tines because my mind kept going to pizza and I was thinking do blood platelets like pizza crust.
Schnitzel_bub, Pipl crust.
scytale, Well if they didn’t make it so itchy, maybe I wouldn’t have scratched it off. /s
bleistift2, If it takes days for your platelets to close a wound, go see a doctor.
bleistift2, You know what? If it takes more than 5 minutes, go see a doctor. You’ll bleed to death in days.
Schnitzel_bub, Don’t judge my platelets! They’re just burnt out and underpaid. Inflation hasn’t been good on their quality of life either.
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