RIP_Cheems, …then, the fire nation’s toilet shattered, and war broke out as they attempted to find a new toilet
MonkderZweite, What did the toilet do to you?!
QuiGon_Singh, Only the Lavatar …
_haha_oh_wow_, [skibidi toilet intensifies]
VikingHippie, Everything changed when the the Walmart sushi attacked…
eldain, Wow, the 4 regrettable shits. I can hear the sound of each of them. The warcries, the tears, the battlehorns; echoing through the stalls. The cheers of bystanders, united in awe and terror. The face of the warrior rising from the throne, blood-red and drenched in sweat.
PeterPoopshit, Once you’ve used your ass to cause each of the 4 situations to happen, you receive god powers.
EmpathicVagrant, I think if you’re passing the four elements like that, you already have god powers.
itslilith, lactose, no fiber,
hot peppers, beans
Classy, Wouldn’t the second be WAY TOO MUCH fiber?
itslilith, Fiber make you poo more, but this looks like massive constipation followed by a shit with the consistency of hardened steel
ieightpi, What’s kind of funny is most likely all of these were pranks.
Expect for the water god, it’s his domain. when a log don’t go down, you can expect that kind of rage.
Vilian, are you sure that the first one was a prank??
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