potatobro, Born to shit… Forced to wipe 😓
resin85, Sometimes it’s like wiping a marker
Infamousblt, This is why I pay free range chickens to peck the shit off my asshole. It keeps them out of the factory farms, reduces water use, provides the chicken a fair day wage for a fair day of work, and keeps my butthole squeaky clean.
peanuts4life, I just dump a liter of bleach in the upper deck and remove the seat. Nothing cleans you up better than a good swirl.
jollyrogue, Lemmy needs a “Vote for best of” feature.
scytale, Or you know, wash with water AND soap. I wash with a bidet and use liquid soap along with it. That’s no different than washing in the shower.
match, Do they make extra fancy soapy bidets?
Skyrmir, I mean, i haven’t actually been to Japan myself, but I’ve heard some things…
Orbituary, I haven’t ever seen one there, but it’s pretty likely.
Lemmygradwontallowme, Extra points if you use ones of these to spray your ass, if you don’t have any good bidets, let alone bidet sprays to buy
They’re not only as effective, but also portable…
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