
Housing is not a human right as humans can exist in the wild without a house.

iquanyin, avatar

it’s illegal. the blm will come with guns and force you out. i know this for a fact. not can i just find some land and grow my food and raise animals. it’s either owned by someone or it’s govt land.


Absolutely. So instead of building up on that, declaring everyone may own something, making them mini billionaires in principle; yeah, make owning land illegal. That would be the natural conclusion.

You are basically saying: other people owning things and keeping me from building a house and a live should be illegal. Your solution: Make everyone own something, so they can build a house! Houses for everyone, hurray! But hey, my family is twice as big as yours, my house should, by right, be bigger. And hey, my farm supplies for ten families, it should, by right, be bigger. You don’t want to farm, let me buy your land and provide for you. And so the circle begins.

I’d say, that thinking is what got us here in the first place.

iquanyin, avatar

i’m pretty sure that native americans were able to not own land and work this out. i do think owning land is absurd. also, all i need to do is look around to know that how we are doing things has to change if our species wants to keep living. i don’t mean what you think but it’s the wee hours here, the key word being “wee” as that’s why i got up for a sec. so…back to sleep it is.


By that logic, nothing is a human right since you can find food, water and shelter in the wild.

The problem with that logic is that you assume everyone to be physically able and knowledgeable to live off the land.


Well, it takes some time to grow up to be able to find food and water. How long until we can walk even?

Food, water and means to provide an upbringing until offspring can care for themselves, those could be considered basic rights.

Housing is so far into the technological advancements, building up on so many other systems, I fail to see how that can be a right.

Air and food on the other hand, and sensible means to acquiring those. Well. There certainly is room for discussion. When people start owning land, keeping others to effectively do those things, they should have to provide alternatives. Or we have to abolish ownership of natural resources at all. Both can’t work together. That’s ineffective, of course, and makes planning and advancement difficult.

The price of capitalism and ownership of nature should be compensation. Nothing natural about social structures. If they want to continue those money games, they need to play by the rules of nature. Or they’ll go down with chopped-off heads at some point.


That’s right. Nothing is a human right. Many humans have rights outlined in their countries constitutions but even those are easily stomped on with usually little consequence

arbitrary_sarcasm, (edited )

And you’re saying that shouldn’t be the case right ? Right ?

I’d insert that Anakin Padme meme here if I had one ready.


I’m just saying what is. If you want what I think should be, I’m a non Randian libertarian. Big on personal responsibility and the risk of consequences and consequences of risk, less on being a whiny bitch about everything.


Article 25 of the declararion of himan rights: Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family

Seriously, do you think human rights are somehow just a feeling what should be? They are written down and you can look them up.


It has also never happened, there has never been a time in all of history. And the declaration of human rights isn’t broadly accepted either.

Gerula, (edited )

Rights are something that the society you live in and contribute to, grants you!

There are no inherent human rights to be had! Even being alive is a happening not a right! You’re born because your parents fucked, there was nothing special about it!

L.E. I see a lot of snowflakes are bothered by what I said, good. Maybe you start thinking once about what you have, instead of whining about what you would like!

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

I’m starting to think most of lemmy is populated by a bunch of kids who just read Marx and have no actual world experiences cause they’re 14.


Let’s not forget that the only reason states exist is to serve those within them. If that state should fail to serve its people sufficiently, it’s been common throughout history that they’ve been dismantled by the people.

You are correct about natural rights. They are fought for. Many rights, such as workers’ rights, were strongly fought for and founded on blood (pretty much all of them in fact). However, when talking about rights, one remember the original meaning of the word: that which is morally good or honorable. The legal entitlement is preceded by the philosophical definition. In a just society legal rights should reflect moral rights as closely as possible.

Housing is necessary for life, and so depriving an individual of housing when housing is unutilized is equatable to murder, an injustice. This is why the post communicates that housing is a human right.


Corect, but if the state is or isn’t serving those within, is a decision to be taken by the same individuals. Up to now those who are considering this are a small subset of the citizens which agrregate in underground forums and not actively trying to change the society and have a positive impact.

Housing is necessary for life but it was never a right in that society. Also necessary for life are water, clothing, food, medical assistance, etc. None of them are rights of the people within that society. It may not correct but it is what it is.


Compost homeless - get free fuel and fertiliser!


Compost billionaires - get free fuel and fertiliser!


Not enough of them. They also don’t live off benefits, so…


Your sure about that?




Maybe they don’t live off of benefits, but they get massive tax benefits. In fact, the government loses way more revenue by not taxing billionaires properly than by helping homeless people.


If the government loses even a penny, all the hell will break loose.


Prove that OP doesn’t wanna be a billionaire.


in feudal times ordinary people would have wanted to be a king or a lord, it doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t mean they didn’t want, fought for, and died for a revolution.

rivermonster, (edited )

EDIT: Abridged for clarity

Throughout history, plenty of people have sought out and been fine with a life of subsistence and, where possible, peace. It’s actually more telling when someone can NOT conceive of a life that’s completely soaked in foul consumption and exploitation. Not everyone would want to be a king or lord. Lots would NOT.



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  • rivermonster,

    Your comment adds lots of value and clearly reflects your character.



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  • Powerpoint,

    Jesus Christ are you advocating for feudal times or something? What the fuck is this shit.


    “This shit” is a sign you need to go back to school

    los_chill, (edited )

    It’s time to think beyond personal enrichment. That kind of greed got us into this mess.

    CollisionResistance, (edited ) avatar

    They Have Money For War But Can’t Feed The Poor



    Preach 🙏


    When the rich wage war its the poor who die.

    -Mike Shinoda

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    The poor go to war, to fight and die for the delights, riches, and superfluities of others.

    – Plutarch

    CE 45 - ~CE 119

    This has literally been said by people for at least two millennia.


    I haven’t read up on official human rights. Who made them? Did someone bother to ask most humans?

    This is a Sunday-morning coffee post, not a detailed world-view. Feel free to ask, but refrain from shooting things down. It’s not like I’ve spent hours on this.

    How are they defined, human rights? I’d say anyone in my way to spread my genes keeps me from being a human.

    As a pragmatist, I’d say breathing and eating, and perhaps warmth and caring are human rights. We can’t do any of them on our own after being born, and without them some really crappy humans emerge. Breathing should be top tier. Anyone disturbing that should be under heavy focus. Can’t do anything without air.

    After that, once we are fairly independent, doing things to keep people keeping me from growing up and procreating should be my right.

    Killing someone else would keep them from doing that, so not being killed by other humans seems like one. Killing others would disqualify me from being human, and I would give up my rights by that act. Straightforward stuff.

    Mix in social structures, and it becomes complicated.

    Being homeless? Build a commune somewhere. Why insist on being near that techno-tribe with internet. It’s nothing but a tribe, has nothing to do with survival or being human. Having modern amenities can’t be a right. Other humans invented them at some point.

    Which leads to something no human should have a right to: owning land. Because owning land keeps humans from realizing their purpose and keeps them from being free to be human.

    Housing is a right? That’s ridiculous. That’s a technological achievement from other people. So is monetary wealth. How can those be a right. If nobody came along inventing them, nobody would have them. Can’t be a right. At all. That is just the consequences of capitalism and ownership of natural resources.

    Grayox, avatar

    Let me spell it out for you bub, i want to: Abolish Private Property


    You do? I wonder how that would work. Can’t see it, personally.

    Grayox, avatar

    Probably important to point this out: private property is not personal property.

    E.g. An apartment building rented to tenants is the landlords private property. They have exclusive rights to the decisions, especially economic ones, regarding the building and the profits of the rent.

    A car, book, house, pizza, are all your personal property so long as you don’t owe a lender anything for them.

    So no private property might look like:

    The people who live in an apartment building own the building collectively and have the full right therein, but the individual units are each their own personal property.

    Sanctus, avatar

    The idea that you should put complete freedom above all else has been a disaster for the human race. No, you cannot do whatever you want. No, it does not mean you are a prisoner.


    Not even We have just enough freedom to feel free But not enough to where we have to pay to litterly live

    I can’t even afford van life tbh


    “But me not being able to say the N word is literally infringing on my rights!” - people who scream free speech

    Sheeple, (edited ) avatar

    Capitalism is not freedom anyway. There is a reason we anarchists reject capitalism. We know better

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    Anarchists are their own brand of stupid.

    Sanctus, avatar

    The Human OS is not ready to be without borders unfortunately. One day, after the last smog-filled breath of air is forcefully exhumed, and all the world’s treasures fail the last baron of wealth, we will be ready. As long as our hearts are wholly material, the world will stay the same.

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    We literally didn’t have borders as they exist today until a century ago lmao, they literally solidified around the formation of what we consider modern nation-states.

    The human os isn’t ready for a borderless world my entire ass, the issue is the systems currently in place.


    Humans have built societies with rules for forever.

    And banish people outside their society.

    I’m not an expert on the theory of all of this, but it seems entirely dubious that anarchy could function in any environment for long.


    Yeah, and that is not equivalent to modern borders.

    Sanctus, avatar

    Go ahead and remove their states and countries. Most people would explode. Eventually thats the way. But take an honest look around. It wont happen today


    In what way isn’t it? How were the borders of the France different than the Roman Empire or Mesopotamia?


    Literally the free movement of people? Borders used to be “the zone of control of a government” and couldnt really exist as checkpoints for people moving back and forth over the border.

    stevehobbes, (edited )

    That feels like a distinction without a difference? The vast vast majority of physical land borders are effectively open everywhere worldwide still today.

    The zone of control of a government just kicks you out if they don’t want you?


    There is a massive difference if you can practically establish who is allowed into and out of a country


    So is the argument against technology that allows us to know who is who and records of who is a citizen of places?

    Like, they used to record that stuff too… it was just much harder?

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    They couldn’t effectively police borders, so they didn’t. Technology and population density influences the way the state works and whether they could do borders as they existed in the 20th century and exist in the 21st century.

    The argument isn’t against technology, it is saying borders as they are understood here are a relatively recent technology relying on other technologies


    But that’s the way borders were understood then too… it was just harder to determine who was who?

    They’d kick you out and burn down your house or kill you for being an invader?


    They’d kick you out and burn down your house or kill you for being an invader?

    That is a complete anachronism, unless you actually were an invader. Have you actually researched this or are you just taking your assumptions and trying to apply them to history?

    stevehobbes, (edited )

    Go read some Greek history on the city states and ostracism, as well as the fact that it only worked because they had slaves and subjugated women?


    Exile as punishment for a crime and keeping slaves is distinct from having a border with border controls.


    Ostracism only required a vote, no crime, and no defense was allowed:

    The penalty for returning was death.

    Presumably even though there were no border controls, they would kill you if you returned.

    Honestly, I’m not sure what the fixation with a guy in a booth is about. Whether you get denied entry and they throw you out, or if they exile or ostracize you, what’s the difference?


    Literally whether you can control human migration between territories.


    But if you can throw people out, and kill them when they come back why is it that different?

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    Denying entry to random people is different than telling someone to leave?

    Imagine the difference between a bar with a bouncer at the door and a bar without, and then apply that principle at a much larger scale.


    Honestly, it seems the same. If a bar doesn’t want Jews in it and the bartender asks everyone if they’re Jewish or a bouncer at the door feels like a distinction without a difference.

    There’s no additional liberty, the people who own the bar set the rules.


    But it makes it much harder to control who is in a space, which means in practice there are additional liberties.


    A light form was tribalism. If you didn’t go with the flow, you were expelled. With enough expelled ones, new tribes were formed. It kinda created human diversity for a while. There was only so much room on the river, so at some point more elaborate systems emerged. And the people with the biggest huts made those rules. Rules were made so that they could keep those huts. Extremely simplified.

    We now don’t have places to banish people to. That’s why the cry for housing is emerging. Someone took the wild away. They should provide an alternative. I believe that’s the whole idea behind wanting the rich to pay. For some reason they were allowed to own everything. Often for centuries.

    It makes little sense to people today. How was anyone allowed to walk somewhere, stake a claim, and own it forever? Even defending it with lethal force? Why aren’t we anymore?


    We didn’t then either. The real issue is scale. What worked when the entire population of the human race was 100,000 doesn’t work when it’s 8,500,000,000.

    You’re right that there are no wilds no, no one is getting 40 acres and a mule, and you can just inhabit a new area.

    But let’s not forget that a lot of the stake a claim and defend with lethal force was literally colonialism. So many of those wilds were owned by other people, but the stronger guy with the bigger rock can kill him, take his land, take his wife.

    Hardly utopia.


    Exactly the point I apparently failed to make. It never worked. Yet we are holding on to it. Just with the added caveat that the weapons are now money, and the wilds are gone.


    Yes, but they’re also mostly nuts.


    It’s free to be poor is what it is

    Sheeple, (edited ) avatar

    Free to be poor (Includes: Threat of starvation, social shunning, homelessness, your entire life collapsing and you can be sure the state is still gonna put you into even more debt. Then put you into prison because you couldn’t pay up where you are coerced into slave labor)


    I can’t believe so many of you are upvoting a post about murdering homeless people. You monsters!


    Still waiting for that to happen…

    FlashMobOfOne, avatar

    Not in the USA it isn’t.

    Neither party has done a damn thing to address housing scarcity, and in a few months, you’re all going to vote for the same assholes who ignore it.


    Oh don’t worry.

    The billionaires will make sure the homeless don’t exist soon enough.




    Bro, billionaires can’t be black! (/s omg)

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