You liar!
Edit It’s 17:08 now and it still shows 3 minutes
Edit 2 It’s 17:15 now and it has been on 0 minutes for 3 full minutes…
Edit It’s 17:08 now and it still shows 3 minutes
Edit 2 It’s 17:15 now and it has been on 0 minutes for 3 full minutes…
XeroxCool, I much prefer an estimating timer that reliably dries all the clothes rather than a reliable timer that estimates the clothes are dry.
HonoraryMancunian, Our washer does this too though
XeroxCool, It might weigh it before washing, then keep doing the spin cycle until the weight gets close enough to the starting weight
HonoraryMancunian, Good shout. Most of the cycles do their best to get rid of excess moisture
altima_neo, That’s a fancy dryer.
Mines purely mechanical. Old school timer runs the dryer
chris, This one might save power because it will only dry as long as it needs to.
WarmSoda, Opening the door and checking will also make sure it only dries as long as it needs to.
eskimofry, Not really. You lose all the hot air every time you open it up and then it has to use juice to heat up again.
WarmSoda, Right. Right. So let’s make it run even longer than it needs to. That’s a great solution.
eskimofry, It’s certainly more simpler than your dumbass idea that will get the company sued when some shmuck decides to fondle the vent or some bs.
WarmSoda, (edited ) I’m sorry popping open a door for one second is too much for you. You might not be clever enough for a clothes dryer.
And that’s ok. Not everyone has to be good at the very basics. Luckily there’s plenty of companies willing to sell you over priced over engineered crap.
expatriado, you guys are going in circles with this heated debate
WarmSoda, (edited ) Cycles*
(I don’t have any puns better than yours, unfortunately)
expatriado, if there was a way to know when to stop…
WarmSoda, Yup. Old school timer.
eskimofry, Man i envy your bubble. You haven’t met some truly dumb people.
WarmSoda, (edited ) It’s a clothes dryer.
Edit. I can only assume people downvoting have a difficult time understanding washer and dryers.
So yeah, I guess you’re right.
hemko, Mate, most people are not interested of following laundry machine spin for 4 hours. Normal people put clothes in, go do something and get the clothes out when they hear a peep. Or 10 hours later whatever.
WarmSoda, Four hours? Wat
hemko, My washing machine with drying program takes about 4 hours in Eco mode. But the exact time is irrelevant
WarmSoda, (edited ) That’s crazy.
My washer and dryer combined is at most 3 hours IF it’s heavy. But that’s rare. It takes maybe an hour to two hours for a regular full load.
What is your one machine doing for four hours?
hemko, Idk it spins, wets, soaps and dries in some kind of order. Laundry machine stuff
atx_aquarian, The developers just put their own logic into its estimation software.
prettybunnys, We call it “the longest minute” in my house.
Siegfried, Im still waiting for the last edit OP, dont leave us hanging
camelbeard, I think it was 17:18 when the door lock finally opened. The very first time estimate said it should be ready at 16:10. So it was definitely a big lie.
Zerush, It’s not always the fault of the device. It estimate the time based on the download speed in this moment, but it can’t know that in the next moment your ISP server slows down or that your AV stops the download for some times to analyze a suspicios file, things like this to make your day enjoyable. Because of this, never automatic updates. I recieve an notification if there is an update in the queue and so I can update when I like in a spare time.
gallopingsnail, Uh, this is a photo of a clothes dryer.
Peter1986C, (edited ) The photo shows a washing machine though (I can read the Dutch labeling of the dials/buttons).
Caitlyynn, I still wouldn’t be surprused if it worked that way
Zerush, And who needs an Dryer, Washingmashine, Fridge or other home appliance with Internet connection to spy you? Then complaining on Lemmy about the lack of privacy on the internet and the control of large corporations over the user.
0ops, That’s a washer, or maybe a dryer I can’t tell. I hope it’s not downloading anything
Peter1986C, Washer. It describes available washing programs in Dutch.
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