Ejh3k, Or… Clean up your dog’s shit.
Sylver, Unkempt lawn and a broken trampoline, never a better duo has existed.
danc4498, I like to think the dog shit in a secret area to protect her pumpkin babies.
victron, Lmao so close to home, my in laws have exactly that (the trampoline is for my children to play) xD
Sabre363, It’s good fertilizer
tilcica, no. dog and human shit isnt good fertilizer
Peaty, They can be you just dont want to eat food grown in them.
tilcica, its not good because of a meat based diet that produces very acidic poop compared to plant based diets such as those of cows, sheep, goats, etc
Peaty, Not all humans or dogs have meat based diets nor is acidic fertilizer a problem for some crops. A different issue is that there are some parasites that spread through the use of human feces as fertilizer.
pinkdrunkenelephants, I don’t think that happened here. If it did, OP would have said so.
Peaty, OP is just posting a meme. It wasn’t their dog.
pinkdrunkenelephants, Oh, okie.
bdonvr, It could be a more rural area where they have a larger amount of land
Ejh3k, You’re right, it could be. But I don’t think I’ve seen to many people living out in the country with a privacy fence.
Faresh, I mean, it’s on their own lawn, I think, so I guess the only people who could be bothered by it are the people who live there.
SupraMario, Lol do you live in a bubble or something? You do know how big the USA is right? Most of the EU fits into Texas alone. Some of us who are rural have a lot of land and don’t need privacy fences.
DragonTypeWyvern, Sure, but you can see a privacy fence in the picture.
frenchyy94, The EU has an area of 4.234.564km². Texas 695.621km².
So Texas is a mere 16,4% of the EU.
In what world is that “most of the EU”?
Piemanding, Maybe they heard somewhere that most EU countries can fit in Texas. A lot of them are small. If you go by number of countries it may be most of them.
IHaveTwoCows, A jpg of a dog’s poompkins turning into a fight about land mass is quality internet
pinkdrunkenelephants, And the U.S. has an area of 9,833,520 km^2^, meaning the U.S. is only about 2 1/3 times the size of the E.U., and that makes me realize:
That dude clearly knows nothing but propaganda, and this is actually why it’s so dangerous. His perception of the real world is so twisted that he doesn’t even see the basic geography of the world for what it is. Those land mass distortions were often pushed on purpose for racist reasons, i.e. Africa has typically been portrayed as a smaller continent than the rest when that is… not… true… at all…
So follow me here, this guy is very likely racist against Europeans.
When he himself is most likely an American White guy.
Figure that out in your head if you can
markstos, Circle of life.
Hyggyldy, I’ve seen this before and it never occurred to me that this would require them to just leave the shit.
LeanSock, But how did they grow up there?
BonesOfTheMoon, Pumpkins are vegetable whores.
deegeese, Now this is a proper shitpost
Mordachai_Shedbacon, EAT THE BABIES
agentshags, or carve them up with a shank an put a light source in their gourd
RoyaltyInTraining, Do it again!
Bathtubwalrus, This happened with my alpacas 😁 gave them pumpkins last year, got Poopkins this year. https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/18ccff0a-cf38-404e-8ce1-1542c0364601.png
RQG, You have Alpacas 😲
IHaveTwoCows, You can’t have just one
shortwizard, omg lmfao
cantstopthesignal, Spitting on children is a team sport
itsprobablyfine, There was a reddit thread years ago about ‘you’ve just finished life beta, what advice do you have for the devs?’
My favourite comment was ‘llamas spit, like, a lot. I think it’s a bug’
SnowBunting, Will you be doing it again this year?
MissJinx, Os it unhealthy to eat poopkins? if not that’s a win win win
HikingVet, The likely hood of the poopkins being dangerous is incredibly low. And after you wash them it drops to almost nonexistent. Most issues with using poop as fertiliser comes from it being incorrectly at the wrong time.
Omega_Haxors, Infinite food exploit: Eat fruits. Poop seeds. Seeds grow into plants. Plants make more fruit. More plants more fruit. Never go hungry again.
RampantParanoia2365, …memes? How exactly is this a meme? Wrong community, I believe.
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