stoy, You are looking for the community called “TheRightCantMeme”
Oha, sounds like a sick timeline to live in
vzq, I get it! The joke is that borders are bad right?
crandlecan, Ooooh! Of course!!
crandlecan, Heil Hitler, huh? Fucking reptards 🤮🤮 Just die already - thanks, the rest of the world
Taleya, Awesome
Mr_Fish, I’m keen for next year, when I can look at memes without seeing shitty propaganda about another country’s politics.
vzq, That’s never going to happen.
Facebones, Hey wait a minute where is the sea of righties that converge en masse every time a meme posts, bitching about all the political memes being posted, demanding political memes be banned and those meme creators start their own community?
Could it possibly be that those people are being disingenuous and are totally cool with political memes so long as they agree, and only want to ban the politics they don’t like?
kzhe, 75% good… That’s acceptable.
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