ImTryingLemmy, So a poorly wrapped burrito is sushi but a properly wrapped one is a calzone. th’fuck?
Tylerdurdon, Damnit, someone got to the burrito logic before I did…
TexasDrunk, That’s how I’m referring to it from now on. I just need to know what I call Arepas.
flipflop97, And if you start eating a properly wrapped one, it turns into a quiche 🤔
joelfromaus, I don’t make the rules.
CannedTuna, A taquito is sushi
clearleaf, If you don’t like science go live in the woods.
ElectronicChaos, So is a burrito a calzone or a quiche?
jws_shadotak, Depends on if it’s entirely folded up or if one end is left open.
flipthetube, If the top of your burrito is open, you should find another taqueria.
No such thing as a convertible burrito.
PapaStevesy, In that comparison, I’d argue that buttered toast is a pizza.
Creddit, I am always telling people this in the is-a-hotdog-a-sandwich debate, and this diagram makes it abundantly clear:
A hotdog is a taco.
alekwithak, But a taco is just a sandwich???
Creddit, Nope! It has bread on three sides, so it’s a taco.
Sandwiches only have bread on two sides.
synae, I had a meatball sandwich today that had the same topology of a taco
proudblond, Your hotdog buns have more structural integrity than mine.
Creddit, If you tear the bun, you’ve got a sandwich on your hands for sure!
mrunicornman, What about triangular taco shells? That’s just two sides.
spujb, the cube rule identification theory is ridiculous and i have always said so
synae, That’s what makes it good
snugglesthefalse, Yeah, salad theory is more comprehensive
Stoneykins, (edited ) Salad theory is rigid and respectable.
Cube rule of food identification exists to be disproven aggressively for comedy and arguing. It’s a good time, until the person that believes it so truly they would kill and die to call a cheese roll up sushi arrives. They can make the conversation stressful.
getoffthedrugsdude, This thread has been a trip
aegis_sum, canoli = sushi
Bigtiddygothgrany, Big Mac = cake
Afghaniscran, Lasagne = cake
Willy, This one I can get behind. A delicious cheesy noodle tomato meat cake. Yumm.
rustydomino, The cake is a lie.
MrJameGumb, Sounds like the kind of person who calls pizza “Italian rarebit” lol
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