SuckMyWang, Is this trial about trying to prove the existence of flavour town?
TheHottub, It’s like Wakonda.
OrteilGenou, Whakanda?
Wage_slave, “Flavortown does not recognize this court and demands it’s sovereignty and recognition of its perverted, yes people do that and its “no it’s not physically comfortable or socially acceptable” ways of life! Now, the defense asks you, is chewbacca a wookie…?”
NakariLexfortaine, That man is the one behind nachos that take 14 steps.
Death is the only option.
GBU_28, Guy is actually a super cool dude. Does lots of charity
Guy_Fieris_Hair, Oooohhhhhh shiiiiiit
radioactiveradio, Is that Louis CK jr?
porkins, The real story behind this is that someone stole his Lambo, so he had to testify in court about it. I guess the caption holds up.
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