Mental health care in the Netherlands is really terrible. I’m surprised you even got 3 sessions without being on a waiting list for months first. I guess you went to a ‘praktijkondersteuner’ at your GP? Those know fuck all and really aren’t any help. I had one literally tell me “usually I help people figure out what’s bothering them and once they know they can solve it, but you already know what’s bothering you, I can’t really help you”. Then I was put on waiting list for months, talked to a different guy for 1 hour, back on another waiting list for months.
At one point I literally called them and asked why it was taking so long (after waiting for months) and they said: oh, we have an opening next week, you can come then. Like, WTF, if you had an opening, why did I only find out after calling when you have a literal list of people waiting for evaluation? In the end I went to a psychologist (one of those ‘Sjakie’ types) for a year or two, which didn’t really help at all. Until they told me they couldn’t do anything more for me.
I get the feeling that if you want real help you need to go to a private practice an pay for everything yourself, which is crazy expensive.