The nostalgia is real
Fallout 3, Shogun 2, Rabbit Burn, etc

Fallout 3, Shogun 2, Rabbit Burn, etc
copymyjalopy, Command and Conquer: Red Alert
All hail “Hell March”
Kraiden, I don't know what the actual lyrics are, and I never want to know. to me they will forever be "we will stand, wake.. UP"
remotedev, Dun nun nuhnuhnuh. FEE FII FUUMM
MrGerrit, First thing that came to mind when seeing the post!
jballs, ![]()
Same! Usually have to scroll way too far to find Red Alert. Guess that’s a sign that the Fediverse is full of us old folks…
TowerofPimps, ![]()
I have this as an alarm :D
gravitas_deficiency, Dude also, the RA3 menu theme goes SO HARD
MrGerrit, DuckTales moon theme
Mega man 2
All bangers.
Mr_Fish, Subnautica
TokyoMonsterTrucker, VICE CITY. First, nostalgia for all the 80s music, then nostalgia for playing Vice City. Double whammy
jaackf, My mates Dad has a song in that game!
jecht360, ![]()
Jet Set Radio
queue, ![]()
StarCraft and God Hand
Imgonnatrythis, Ninja Gaiden (original). I’m looking at you!
goldenbough, Total Annihilation, Rome Total War, Morrowind…
ummthatguy, ![]()
glomag, ![]()
Armored Core 3
Wipeout Pure
GTA Vice City
Secret300, Gravity rush & Kingdom hearts
Anamnesis, Had this recently with starcraft brood war. What an absolutely slammin soundtrack.
Tar_alcaran, I played it pirated and ripped. Never knew it had music until muuuuuch later
crackajack, (edited ) I felt personally attacked calling Shogun 2 old! (implies I’m getting old too lol)
But seriously, that’s probably my favourite total war game. It is not broken like most TW games and well balanced. There are a lot more variety and flair to it as a game with the avatar system and grooming the generals. The graphics are also beautiful and you could still run it easy enough on a crappy or low spec computer.
balderdash9, Agreed! I still periodically start up Shogun 2 campaigns. The music plays a part in that
foggianism, Final Fantasy 6. I listened to the 3+ hours soundtrack so many times…
WashedOver, ![]()
Perhaps composed with this…
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