Incidentally, that put me off learning the trucker’s hitch until completely unconnected a friend showed me the hitch very simply. Now it’s one of my favourite.
::: spoiler I also assumed until half way through the song… That it was going to be a sappy love song about how he doesn’t know how to ‘tie the knot’ ::: …I was glad to find myself wrong.
Doesn’t abrade cable like zip ties, can reuse unlike most zip ties. Especially with fatter coils like outdoor extension cord or air compressor hose, it makes sense to have a length of paracord on the end to keep it neat and hang it. Plus you can use the paracord sleeve as a jacket for smaller cables. The real star of cable management are hook and loop wraps tbh.
For context I work on trash trucks and salt trucks. What are you doing that's making zip ties cut into wires? I need to make sure that the wire harness that runs along the body above and next to the drive shaft that will spin everything the trucks run over. If the harness is loose the cable will get caught in the debris.
If you're working in a server room with lots of wires I can see the utility of those fabric fasteners. I don't get the luxury of the wires only moving when I touch them.
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