Mr_Fish, Everyone needs to stop harping on about this
SuckMyWang, (edited ) There are calls for an investigation after it was revealed the luters posted multiple times to social media about their intent to carry out the luting. One luter going so far as encouraging children to take part in it
TryingToEscapeTarkov, luter noun lut·er ˈlütə®, ˈlütə- plural -s : one that applies lute specifically : a worker who seals coke-oven doors with lute called also dauber, paster.
Here is what you really want to say: loot ˈlüt looted; looting; loots
transitive verb to plunder or sack in war to rob especially on a large scale and usually by violence or corruption to seize and carry away by force especially in war
intransitive verb to engage in robbing or plundering especially in war looter noun
AVincentInSpace, are you a bot
TryingToEscapeTarkov, Do I get a cool I’m a bot prize?
AVincentInSpace, my god you really aren’t. see the thing is if you look at the meme, it is a humorous visual pun of a picture of dozens of people playing the lute, a guitar-like musical instrument, and thereby partaking in “luting” as a humorous pun on the much-scaremongered-about looting that occurred following the BLM protests in 2020. these people playing the lutes could thus be referred to as “luters”
someguy3, The brass came in loud.
VikingHippie, And Loud has requested a brief recesses to recover.
swab148, I think we all need to figure out the bassis of this. It could lead to real violince!
rockerface, Everyone is just getting strung along
HenriVolney, Dad joke tier
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