Technology Connections did a great video if anyone is actually curious to see what it’s like inside while running.
AVincentInSpace, Just came here to post this
jennwiththesea, Mine has a window and a light, but the light won’t turn on until the dishes are done so you can effectively see nothing in there. The conspiracy continues!
dutchkimble, Add a chemlight stick thingy to your load
pg_sax_i_frage, (edited ) This may not work, but have you tried shining an external light through the (mechanical) dishwasher window, while the process in going on? Potentially while turning down lights in the room.
Kase, Just don’t forget to read the dishwasher its rights first
kennismigrant, There are plenty of dishwashers with windows. Unlike the others devices mentioned, you don’t need to see what’s in there. The window is just for fun. They make you pay for fun.
notepass, It is also nice to see if one of the spinners is blocked. Saved me quite a few batches.
hunter2, You don’t need to see what’s going on in a washing machine either, yet the fun window is usually included. Maybe washing machines were invented before paid dlcs. Or a see through water splash machine looks bad in a kitchen.
colmear, I think I remember reading somewhere, that people simply didn’t trust the washing machines and therefore didn’t use them. Adding a window made it possible to see what’s going on and build trust in the machines
weker01, Explains why I distrust that suspicious dishwasher
dutchkimble, They could add that sliding cover which plane windows have
The_Eminent_Bon, How do you think they come out warm and clean?
Holzkohlen, My farts are also warm and slightly moist. Coincidence?
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, Does your ass have windows?
HunterBidensLapDog, Because it’s disgusting. That and because of the Templars.
Viking_Hippie, Not to mention how disgusting The Templars are…
PatFussy, Im gonna need an explanation for the templars involvement here
Tubics, In all honesty it probably looks pretty gross all those food bits and dirty water being slushed around
Cannacheques, Let me see the fruits of the Gross Ness monster
Gruntyfish, Even some fridges have windows now 🤔
ryannathans, I’ll be more impressed when windows have fridges
p1mrx, That’s known as winter.
LaChaleurDeLaNuit, Great now I have to keep my fridge tidy and clean too
jasondj, You don’t have to buy one with a window.
Hell I saw fridges with Android screens and I’m like hell naw. I did get a smart one so I can get notifications if the kid leaves the door open and so I can track power consumption over time without sticking a kill-a-watt in a really tough spot. But the Android systems they put in fridges feel obsolete on the showroom floor. Absolutely embarrassing, and probably completely useless after about 4 or 5 years when Android stops supporting the SoC and when you stop getting root certificate updates and start getting SSL errors on every page and app.
Cannacheques, It’s the plastic industrial complex / plutocracy I tell ya hahaha
mvirts, That’s because the dishwater looks disgusting and your dishwasher uses the same dishwater for 20 minutes.
autokludge, It does a pre-wash cycle to remove the really heavy stuff, but yeah I don’t really want to look at it churning vomit water for an hour.
woodenskewer, It would make trouble shooting some things a lot easier though.
Viking_Hippie, I was in a band called Churning Vomit Water for a while. Best polka ensemble of zero counties!
Karyoplasma, To be fair, if you do your dishes by hand, the water in the sink also turns into some disgusting sludge after just a few plates.
deegeese, People load heavy metal pots into a dishwasher and bang them around.
A window would not survive unless they use some expensive overbuilt impact resistant glass.
explodicle, I barely touch the inside of the dishwasher door at all. It gets blocked by the bottom tray that rolls out.
deegeese, I also rarely touch it, but have dropped a greasy pot on it a nonzero amount of times.
Harpsist, Mythbusters did it.
_cnt0, It’s to hide the exploitation of the little gnomes that are enslaved in there. It’s like most people enjoy a good steak, but nobody wants to see how it’s produced. If you see the latter you’re likely to become a vegan. Do you want to scrub your dishes by hand?
audiomodder, Just shows us that Jack Donaghy is fictional
digger, I came here to see if Jack was going to mentioned.
“There are no bad ideas. Only good ideas that go horribly wrong.”
henfredemars, The mole man who comes up the drain to wash your dishes is very shy.
rustyfish, I have a dishwasher with a window and can confirm the existence of the mole man.
Catsrules, The mole man licks them clean.
CarbonIceDragon, Mine has a window actually. Its a smaller countertop dishwasher tho so maybe that has something to do with it.
humorlessrepost, The dishes are naked taking a bath. They’re just shy.
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