I thought this kind of childish nonsense was done mostly by conservatives. So stupid.
edit: for the many of you that didn’t understand, this is not a comment defending the confederacy. Jesus Christ. The point is we all thought “let’s go Brandon” made the republicans look childish and pathetic. Well congratulations, you managed to match them.
Well once person out of about 100 that understands this is not about defending slavery. Jesus Christ I thought the level on Lemmy was supposed to be a bit better than Reddit but it’s the same ridiculous circle jerk.
Just keep antagonizing your countrymen. Then they’ll do something to ‘trigger’ you and you them and they you. That way we can all feel smugly superior to each other while the country burns.
A fuck the country place sucks designed by slave owners and run by fasco-corporatist scum.
B fuck this country
C those fucks who died aren’t my countrymen and anyone who supports them aren’t either, insurrectionists and traitors all of them. If you fly that flag leave my country. My country.
“No tolerating confederates” isn’t a Reddit thing, it’s a moral thing, if you think the confederacy was alright go to hexbear and get the fuck outta here.
I thought hexbear is for tankies? They are pro confederate too?
That said I’m not defending confederates. The fact that no one here can think beyond “my team against your team” goes to show how far the country has fallen. It’s god damn pathetic.
Yeah but traditionally at least in the US that wad mostly the right’s position, extreme reactionary populism. It’s frightening to see how quickly and gleefully the left is lowering itself to the same level.
Still missing the point. The fact that the left is gleefully giving up the moral high ground and lowering itself to the republicans level goes to show this country is beyond saving. Looks like Murdoch won.
Nope. Pee on Confederate graves… The few that they’ve managed to bury properly. They died doing a shitty thing for a shitty reason, and we’ve had to deal with the aftermath since the election of 1876 was brokered to end Reconstruction.
They fucked everything up. So, yeah, no respect. Pee on them.
No, they quite literally left the Union, which makes them not Americans. They viewed black people as property and were willing to go to war to maintain that status quo. Personally, I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.
The union said they weren’t allowed to leave and won, so technically they didn’t leave. That’s what makes civil wars difficult, you have to find a way to live with the losing side after.
No. I have no respect for the traitors who fought for the right to enslave human beings. Fuck all Confederates and fuck anyone demanding we respect the legacy of those fucking slavers and sing Kumbaya with their modern day bigoted counterparts.
They literally had official government statements that black people were inferior by divine law. The image from op is one hundred times more respectful of others than the Confederates were.
If I fought and killed over the right to own and abuse another human being, I would hope people would show up to piss on my grave. This is more respect than they deserve.
And don't try to say they were a product of their time, either, because so was Cassius Clay and that man landed on the right side of history after being born to the richest slave owner in America. If he could buck that trend then so could all these other assholes.
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