All the McD*nalds in my area have been upgraded with order kiosks. Regardless of all the controversy around self-checkout, and minimum wage, and automation taking our jobs, I personally love them. I can take my sweet time composing my order, I can see the full selection (such as it is), I can see pictures and prices clearly...
I’m currently (re)reading Moorcock’s The War Hound and the World’s Pain. Short synopsis - an educated, cynical, apostate and unapologetically brutal mercenary in the Middle Ages is recruited by Lucifer to recover the Holy Grail, nominally so that Lucifer can wheedle his way back into God’s good graces....
Three moose was seen on the roof of a supermarket. One calf is suspected fleeing the scene while the mother died jumping down, as did the last calf seen on the video.
PsychonautWiki (PW) is a community-driven online encyclopedia that aims to document the field of psychonautics (i.e. the exploration of altered states of consciousness) in a comprehensive and scientifically-grounded manner....
It was created around the peak of the MLG trend and is absolutely covered in memes. I just find it funny that came out around the same time as their other game Crossy Roads which would go on to be quite popular even appearing in numerous arcades.