This chart seems pretty stupid. I mean, why??? Also, what’s the use of the X-Y graph in inches and millimeters?
Also, 3/4" converts to 19.1mm, not 19.0mm (19.05 rounds up)
And anyone who has tried to use metric wrenches as a substitute for the proper size imperial one knows this is only going to work for a couple of sizes. The rest are going to be too tight or usually too loose.
Are there even any imperial fasteners at all on any new vehicles today???
A year ago a bird dropped some poison ivy into my suburban yard. I had no idea what it was, so I bare hand pulled it all up. I ended up at the doctors with it all over my face and body. Amazing all the places you touch on yourself. Luckily none in my eyes or on my sensitive regions… But I now know what poison ivy looks like!
Did you perhaps intend to post this to Seriously Horrifying? I’d be scurrying down the center of the street, holding my breath for fear of inhaling the plant oils. Yikes.
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