You’re correct, by a large margin. WV has 275 according to Wikipedia. Now I’m wondering what qualifier was used, was it drop height, discharge, accessible vs inaccessible…
For instances like Rhode Island (5) and Florida (4), the map groups them in the same range, even though Florida is far larger than Rhode Island. I wonder how it would change the map to have the scales be determined by density, like waterfalls/km^2.
♫ When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs, every morning to help me get large. Now that I’m grown I eat five dozen eggs, so I’m roughly the size of a barge! ♫
There’s a place on the Blackwater River I have marked. So far I’ve traced 7 waterfalls trekking uphill from the water side. But I can hear more in the distance!
Here in Washington it’s hard to imagine waterfalls even being noteworthy. We’ve got way too many mountains and way too much precipitation. We’re lousy with waterfalls. The whole fuckin state is a goddamned waterfall.
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