I’m as intrigued and horrified as everyone else. Also, this is a good time to remind everyone that you can edit post titles on Lemmy, so you can correct the typo. Unless, for all utensil purposes, you meant it to be there.
My dishwasher is pretty new and if I don’t rinse things off relatively thoroughly beforehand I’m guaranteed to have stuck on food bits after the dry cycle.
For anyone else who doesn’t know what elytra are, they are the “protective wing-cases for the hindwings underneath, which are used for flying. To fly, a beetle typically opens the elytra and then extends the hindwings.”
“One time, this guy handed me a picture of him, he said, ‘Here’s a picture of me when I was younger.’ Every picture is of you when you were younger.” - Mitch Hedberg perforrming at Strategic Grill Locations, 1999
Anyway, this post is definitely mildly interesting. Thank you.
The fax machine actually had a massive impact on society and is much older than you think (newer than the telegram, older than the telephone, and in use during Abraham Lincolns life time).
Just because it’s usefulness had declined in the prior 10 years to him making that statement, doesn’t mean it didn’t affect the economy.
In the year 2100 or 2200 the internet as we know it may have been superceded by methodologies we can’t even comprehend right now.
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