I used to raise chickens when I was a kid and never got chased by a rooster for some reason, in fact usually it was the other way around. But my neighbors down the road had turkeys that they let roam free range around their property. I was a fucking short, scrawny little kid and they were almost as tall as me, and territorial af. At least a couple times I had to run for my life from those velociraptors just because I happened to turn a corner and bump into them while hanging out with that family. They’d just look at you, spread their tail feathers and start trotting at you making weird-ass noises. Fuckers are scary af
I looked this up on Google and several sites say that you can tell what color eggs a hen will lay by looking at their earlobes… I didn’t even know chickens had earlobes lol
Just like cars, it depends on age and condition. Usually tens of millions, but it’s all about how well the ship has held up, how many passengers it can accommodate, and if it has special features like being rated for ice.
Some second hand ships end up leading interesting second lives. Costa refit two container ships in the 1990's into cruise ships and they apparently didn't do terrible.
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