I read Out Of The Silent Planet and Perelandra as a boy, enjoyed them.
But I couldn't make it through That Hideous Strength, I put it down baffled and bored one day, and never picked it up again. Now I'm thinking I was too young for it, particularly growing up so far away from the novel's setting in England.
The first two novels take place in Mars and Venus, so there's a sense of adventure. But in That Hideous Strength, the mannerisms and situations and dialogue styles are akin to something like Brideshead Revisited in Oxford and/or Cambridge.
While a British boy might get the whole thing intuitively, I grew up in Mexico, so had no mental compass of that world at that age. It was all as confusing to me then as God Emperor Of Dune was later.
I really loved the sense of adventure in both. A lot of people dislike That Hideous Strength relative to the others, so I don't think you're alone. I actually loved it, but I was a bit older when I read it. I felt like it was a rare example building an atmosphere of dread and foreboding. However, it's been many years since I read it. My own opinion of it may be different now.
Did you perhaps intend to post this to Seriously Horrifying? I’d be scurrying down the center of the street, holding my breath for fear of inhaling the plant oils. Yikes.
My point, if I have one, is that it’s trendy for a vegan to object to eating sterile eggs even from well-treated chickens, but hardly anybody wants to talk about the way too many dogs are treated, just as a manner of course.
Yes, many people treat their dogs well, or think they do, but they’re still routinely confined, leashed, fed cheap crap food, left alone in the yard with no stimulation for most of the day. They’re bred to serve and treated like furniture or at best interactive toys or escorts to make their owners feel good.
Nobody wants to talk about how miserable most of these animals probably are for large parts of their existence, because they wag their tails and jump excitedly in the rare moments when their people actually give them attention. Hardly anyone wants to give a thought to what an existence as a dog muct actually be like. And that’s for the well-treated ones. There are just as many or more who are penned in tiny yards or otherwise mistreated, but don’t you dare criticise dog owners or the industry for turning a blind eye so long as the dog food money keeps flowing.
A year ago a bird dropped some poison ivy into my suburban yard. I had no idea what it was, so I bare hand pulled it all up. I ended up at the doctors with it all over my face and body. Amazing all the places you touch on yourself. Luckily none in my eyes or on my sensitive regions… But I now know what poison ivy looks like!
This chart seems pretty stupid. I mean, why??? Also, what’s the use of the X-Y graph in inches and millimeters?
Also, 3/4" converts to 19.1mm, not 19.0mm (19.05 rounds up)
And anyone who has tried to use metric wrenches as a substitute for the proper size imperial one knows this is only going to work for a couple of sizes. The rest are going to be too tight or usually too loose.
Are there even any imperial fasteners at all on any new vehicles today???
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