I actually think it's a sign of success, at least in one realm. We've been taking pictures of Earth from Mars for decades now. That it's a common enough thing that it could maybe be "mildly interesting" is an achievement.
I could see that, I just worry that leads to complacency rather than a broader interest. Of course we don’t have much history for this to grow from yet!
I too was initially wondering that. A comparison with a similar camera to that of the Mars rovers would’ve been more interesting. We have much more capable cams here at home.
Make a salt water solution, lots of salt in water. Then use a brush to brush on the solution to every leaf. Keep doing that for several days and it should die off. We did that one summer and it came back the next summer, did the same steps and has not returned since.
I was so interested in this that I called them to ask how much 100g of brain would cost. They said €10. I thought this was a bargain so I said I’d take 100g of Portuguese brain. They said it would cost €10,000. I said “WTF, you said €10”. They responded “Do you know how hard it is to find 100g of Portuguese brain”.
I have no idea why you think it would be improved by slight adding of jpeg, but I agree, and I don’t know why. It feels like meme salt. Or maybe meme umami
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