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radix, in This 9v battery contained six cells stacked like a layer cake avatar

I had an old 12v power tool battery die, so I took it apart to find 8 generic AA rechargeables wired together. I suspect lots of batteries are multiples of 1.5v (9/12/18) because they’re just stacked smaller cells that are already mass produced.


Battery chemistry produces fixed voltages depending on what you use. It depends on where the active components sit on the electronegativity table.

The typical ones are:

Zinc-carbon and alkaline - 1.5 volts per cell.

Lead acid - 2 volts

Nickel Cadmium - 1.2 volts

Nickel Metal Hydride - 1.4 ish.

All the Lithium ion combos - 3.4 to 3.7 volts.


Lipo is something like 3.4ish to 4.2v


The voltage range depends a lot on cell construction, temperature, load or charge rate, and chemical mix.

For example “lead acid” batteries with lead and sulphuric acid have a cell chemistry voltage of 2.05 volts but their nominal range is 1.8 to 2.4 volts per cell. Translating that to a 6 cell “12 volt” car battery gives you a range of 10.8 to 14.8 volts.

altima_neo, avatar

Yeah they had nicad or nimh batteries donated together to create the battery pack. I had an old shaver that was the same way. Laptops with replaceable batteries do the same things

Current power tools still do this, but with 18650 lithium cells, or some larger variant. But now the trendy thing in power tool batteries are the pouch cells, like the kind found in cell phones and slim laptops. I gotta they’re more energy dense, since there’s less of an air gap between cells.

Aceticon, (edited )

There didn’t used to be efficient ways to convert DC/DC voltages up in electronics (you could drop it, though also not very efficiently), but nowadays there are technologies to do that and hundreds of choices of integrated chips that do most of the work along with a inductor and a diode (these being the very minimal set of parts) with about 90% efficiency, so stuff that needed higher voltages and had to use multi-cell batteries for it in the past, now can be done with batteries that output much lower voltages along with one of these voltage converters (called “boost converters”).

(For those in the know, yeah there was already something before for lower currents called voltage pumps, using only capacitors, but those thongs couldn’t handle higher currents).

Anyways, all this to say that manufacturers can now choose to use smaller and simpler batteries for the equipment they make and convert voltage up in circuitr cheaply and with minimal losses, hence you’re much more likelly to see that when it makes economical sense for them (for example, by being able to use the more common battery types rather that having to have unique custom batteries, as the latter are more expensive since they do not get the same savings from the economies of scale of mass production).

Heliumfart, in Braille graph paper

How many micrograms?


1200, we are going to touch gods asshole!


I was gonna say, this looks more like blotter paper than braille.


Ohh, yes that makes much more sense. I was trying to figure out why a blind person would need to graph soemthing out.

When it doubt, the answer is drugs. Always drugs.


The paper was in with a bunch of braille GED study books. One might need to do some graphing to get one’s GED.


Graphing is still necessary for the blind, but it’s more common to use a plastic sheet on a hard rubber clipboard with a stylus that causes the plastic to rise up when it’s pressed with a bit of force. (Though while googling for it I found plenty of examples like yours so maybe less common than I thought)


Pretty sure they’re joking just about the resemblance. cause blotter paper is flat…

PetDinosaurs, in At Safeway right now, it's Halloween up to aisle 13 and Christmas from there on.

Halloween can start October 1.

Thanksgiving can start November 1.

Christmas can start the day after Thanksgiving.

End of discussion


And as someone from east Asia, Lunar New Year starts a month before. All these too early festivities are annoying the hell out of me.


I said end of discussion.

Lol. But for real. This is not my background, I would like the hear a non-western perspective. It’s the same? Because of course it is. Right?


Same energy and rationale (on the business side), I've started to see Lunar New Year shit go up before Christmas. I hate it and it annoys me.

TheRaven, avatar

I love Halloween. I start decorating in August.

But if this plan rolled out, it would hold back Christmas instead of letting it steamroll over the other holidays. I would totally support this.


Costco has had Christmas stuff out since September 1st. I would like to slap whoever is doing this. I used to love Christmas! Now by the time it actually rolls around I’m sick and fucking tired of seeing all the Christmas shit everywhere for the last four fucking months. Fuck you!


Your Costco must be managed by a Filipino, I guess


Besides pumpkin shit, I tey to avoid buying anything holiday related. It’s such a waste.

__mk__, in "Progress" avatar

Why scare quotes? I lived in Düsseldorf back in '90 (go alts - that was the name of my school team, and yes it was sponsored by Alt bier 🍺… different times), it’s always been one of Germany’s more clean cut, upmarket cities, but this picture makes me want to go back and check it out again.

Then again, I’m a queer transfem and I’m in BERLIN, THE QUEER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. Düsseldorf is in the last instance just meh.


Cologne is pretty gay and not far away. Come by during CSD!



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  • __mk__, avatar

    Sweetie did you read the part about being transfem? I dodrink coke, not beer ;)

    Nerorero, avatar

    Why not visit Hamburg? It’s like a cool version of Berlin


    I grew up next to Düsseldorf. I freaking love this city. Wouldn’t it be so expensiv i would live there.

    Because it is a magnet for anime fans, i early came in contact with queerness and different worldviews. Düsseldorf still has a big connection to art and due to figures like Joseph Beuys the art community is still pretty progressive. I went to university there and the campus had a progressiv Atmosphere there as well.

    But on the other side the city is full of rich and conservativ people. A weird contrast. I would say Düsseldorf is educated while cologne is more open and welcoming.

    SpaceCadet, in Ancient Iran had air conditioning avatar


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  • JohnDClay,

    Wind powered swamp cooler. Basically a humidifier, but it does lower the temperature. I’ve heard people call swamp coolers air conditioning, so I don’t think it’s wrong.


    No, calling swamp coolers air conditioning is definitely wrong.

    If it’s 100% humidity in your room, the swamp cooler is going to do absolutely nothing, but AC will cool it down and can even dehumidify a bit if you run it enough.

    Swamp coolers are awesome, but they only work in dry climates unfortunately.


    I think the areas these were used in were fairly dry so they worked like swamp coolers.


    The water doesn’t actually have to be all that cool for swamp coolers, because it’s the evaporation that cools the environment and warm water actually evaporates quicker.

    Jilanico, avatar

    I’ve read that these wind catchers were used to keep ice frozen in ice pits during summer.āl

    Fun fact: Ancient Persia had ice cream like desserts enjoyed year round.


    Your link is broken

    Jilanico, avatar

    Works for me 🤔

    obinice, avatar

    Works great 👍


    Amazing - I had no idea that anyone was making ice in the desert in BCE times. The wikipedia article seems to indicate that they did a lot of storing of ice in the Yakhchal structures - but it is confusing as to how they made it. It seems like they either gathered the ice from the mountains, or made it in outdoor shaded “ice pools” that were situated next to the Yakhchal. Surely the ice required winter desert temps to form? Otherwise how would the thermal mass of the ground ever get cool enough to allow ice to form, even with the magic of physics? The permanent shading helps, but year round-ice making surely wasn’t a thing, was it?

    Jilanico, avatar

    Seems like the ice pools were used for year round ice making at night. See the section on “Nocturnal ice making in early India and Iran”:

    MeanEYE, avatar

    It’s called evaporative cooling and it’s quite potent since water takes enormous amounts of energy when changing states. It takes around 5x the energy to convert 100°C water into 100°C vapor than it takes to increase temperature of said water from 0 to 100°. This energy has to be taken from somewhere and that is from the environment, dropping the temperature as a result. Problem with these is that the humidity of the air increases. Not much of a problem in desert, quite a bit problem in other places.

    Here’s a great video explaining science behind evaporative coolers and how it can be modernized.

    Just wind tunnels without water, I agree with you.


    No, it’s a swamp cooler, which is still used today in drier climates. This is a desert, so yes the air is not humid, and yes the water is cool because it’s underground. Stop being so pedantic.

    SpaceCadet, avatar


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  • Comment105,

    On the point of calling eachother names, you two are acting like redditors.

    Now you should really feel insulted.


    Pedantic isn’t an insult, my bad. Really felt like you were just nitpicking, sorry.


    LOL Your comment makes it seem like you don’t think that it couldn’t possibly work, except that these things are still there and you can go visit them right now and feel how cool it is inside the buildings.

    Dagnet, in How geologists collect lava

    That’s so weird. Why doesn’t he just fill the bucket with lava? That way he can place a lava source block wherever he wants! Maybe set fire to his friends creations in the process.


    Dude just want obsidian quick

    semperverus, in The Ark of Bukhara is a spectacular-looking fortress located in Uzbekistan, built 1,500 years ago avatar

    Damn, those layer lines are clean. Link to STL?


    The layer shifting is pretty severe in this print!

    Armetron, in "Progress" avatar

    I started writing a comment of confusion because I thought I was on the mildly infuriating community not the mildly interesting community.

    Overall yes this is wonderful progress that more cities need to adopt


    Most cities just can’t really afford it


    They actually can’t afford not to. Walkable cities improve the economies of cities because people are actually able to get to stores on roads that would otherwise be swamped with cars. It improves health and safety as well.

    Swedneck, avatar

    yeah, car infrastructure is expensive and they should just get rid of it entirely.


    Fuck cars


    Well, if you insist…


    By replacing it with more expensive car infrastructure? That’s what happened in this picture


    No, by replacing it with public transportation and human-scaled spaces. Well, leaving one small part of it for service vehicles and people who absolutely need to go buy car if there is no better option.

    ikka, (edited )

    Sure, I agree, but you do realize where the highway went in this picture, right? It’s still there…

    Edit: Cease fire! Friendly fire!!! FrieNDLY FIIIIREEEE!!!


    Sure, that wehicle part might as well live underground, if the country has enough money for that.

    dipshit, in We hit one third of boomers being dead in the last few days.

    Gentle reminder that the whole generations thing is made up.

    But true that many of these folks and older hold high positions of power, which is probably the cause for the clock.


    Crazy that you’re the only person I’ve found in the thread that realizes this. Generational theory largely accepts that the concept of monolithic generations is reductive. Yes, people born in and around the same time can have shared cultural experiences, but the idea that those are what purely shape you ideologically or that you behave as a component of a monolith are ludicrous. And then there’s subgenerations, microgenerations, etc. Just look at the sociological research of Karl Mannheim for a very complex discussion on the topic.


    Them’s a whole bunch of fancy words for saying “don’t generalize.”

    rwhitisissle, (edited )

    Generalizing is fine and a useful tool in certain situations. In others, it’s not, and can in fact be very harmful. It’s also sometimes good to explain why you support one versus the other in a particular scenario. Y’know…because that’s how conversations work.


    I found two more! Get em, boys.

    Mic_Check_One_Two, in Modern blocks of C4 explosive come with the warning “poisonous if eaten” on the packaging

    There are plenty of (likely apocryphal) stories of new Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) recruits being fed C4 and chased around with a stun gun. The old timers tell the new recruit that electricity will cause C4 to detonate. In reality, it’s a potent laxative and will give them the shits in a matter of minutes. So the recruit is stuck running away from a taser that they think will make them explode, while desperately trying not to shit themselves.


    Sounds like harmless fun for all the family


    War. War never changes.



    Explosive diarrhea?

    Rooty, in In South Korea, some stores carry "one a day" bananas which are packaged in order of ripeness

    Ban single use plastics already.


    Some places individually wrap their carrots too it’s the dumbest shit


    That’s literally the first thing I thought of while looking at that picture. There’s no good reason for this. Bananas serve many purposes from green to yellow to black. Moreover, that “one per day” gimmick won’t even give you the same ripeness.

    mariusafa, in We hit one third of boomers being dead in the last few days.

    What kind of psycopath counts generation death as a good thing. All interesting humans dead and you take it as an achievement.

    Stop crying on the past. Stop blaming past on generations. Start learning from past generation mistakes, and thank them for having you.

    Because as a new generation we’re going to make a lot of mistakes, who knows if more or less than the past generations. And we shouldn’t be blamed in the future.

    Blaming the past generations and not learning from them is a childish response. Start doing something productive and useful to society, blaming is not helping.

    Stop having tantrums and grow up. And thank you have past generations otherwise you would have to create all we have now from scratch.

    It’s like saying “Newton dumb” because his work is old and it doesn’t work correctly for all physical frames, not like Einstein his work is much better. Both are as good because they lived at different times with different technology, knowledge, society, etc.

    This feels like explaining basic life knowledge to a 3 year old tbh.


    Ok, Boomer.


    OK, person I just blocked.


    You should click on the link so that you realize that you are in fact a retard, as there is a clock for every generation with currently living members


    It’s more about the comments around this post. Idk what were the intentions when OP posted this. But the comments are pretty clear. Stuff like “Death to all boomers”, " when boomers dead all good", etc.

    But yeah you definitely seem a cool guy to hang with, calling retard to everybody that thinks different or doesn’t agree with some ways of dealing with life.


    Firstly, I genuinely don’t care what you or anyone else thinks of me because you are not someone I have ever met and we will very likely never speak again outside of this board. That being said, I do care about the feelings of others when it comes to how they feel emotionally, and my post was not meant to be deep cutting but rather a light jab. I realize that words online are much more difficult to convey the exact meaning of because you cannot tie emotion to them in a way that other people will pick up on.

    Second, your point was made invalid when you stated that this was specifically something made for boomers, which if you would have went and clicked on the link, would have realized is not the case.

    Three, you literally did the exact same thing! You compared their intelligence to that of a three year old! You didn’t make your comment about the othsr comments, you made it about the content of the post, that is incredibly clear.

    Now do I think you are a human who is actually mentally handicapped? Of course not, but in that particular moment you were definitely favoring it, and that’s totally fine, the intention of my comment was not to try and hurt your feelings, but rather to point out your mistake so that you and others can learn that this is not just some calendar made to shit on boomers and celebrate the death of them (which becomes a harder ask as healthcare becomes even better).


    Kiddies who can’t think beyond the “us vs them” mentality but also think that all old people are bad, like that’s not as insane a generalisation as saying “all people of X race/sexuality/whatever are bad”. Human brains love trying to put everything in categories and labels, especially other humans.


    Speaking of how we categorize …Rememberer how a bunch of idiots tried to categorize Covid as if it was china to blame and relating it to diet of eating bats meanwhile there’s white dudes in North America chowing down on venison infested with prions pretending mad cow isn’t a thing. No one should be pointing fingers.


    Relevance? I don’t think that activity was limited to any particular “generation”.


    It isn’t meant to. It is tangentially related to how we blame groups.


    also think that all old people are bad

    Not many people actually believe this. It’s more that statistically it’s better for the country as more old people die. My boomer parents are progressive, but the generation by and large is holding us back. Of course the electoral college is part of the problem as well.


    We’re not all from the USA here, remember!

    Smoogs, (edited )

    Ok so when that generation is dead, how does that fix the musk, Bezos, chesky, Zuckerberg problem exactly? We’re still stuck with them. They are still doing far more damage.


    With more progressive voting comes more chances at holding billionaires accountable. Boomers vote GOP who gives tax breaks to the rich.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Boomers vote GOP who gives tax breaks to the rich.

    Generalizations 4TW! /s


    And yet somehow the younger generations are powerless to stop the evil boomers when they have the political numerical superiority to make the changes they want now…

    Get out and vote. Run for office - local politics is where you start - get involved. Be that change.

    ******And always remember that one day YOU will become the hated generation that is standing in the way of progress.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Get out and vote. Run for office - local politics is where you start - get involved. Be that change.

    It really just comes down to this.

    But it takes more effort to do so, than comment on an Internet forum.


    I have served in local politics and public safety but my time is long past. It’s well past time the next generations start to run things and I’m tired of waiting.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    I have served in local politics and public safety

    Thank you for your service, citizen.

    but my time is long past.

    There are always advisory positions available.

    It’s well past time the next generations start to run things and I’m tired of waiting.

    Well, you know what they say about Power and Vacuums, they get filled, and the current stock of power lords will die off eventually.

    So at some point they’ll run for office (if they can put their phones down long enough to do so ( I kid! I kid! :p )).

    To be fair though, we’re not making their (future) elected jobs any easier by fucking things up today and doing our elected jobs poorly; its a team effort.


    This isn’t far from the logic put forth in Kill The Poor by the Dead Kennedys.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Every generation can see right from wrong. The problem is we’re not all agreeing on what is right and what is wrong.


    Yeah, not like boomers blame millenials or gen Z for everything. Oh wait.


    So you think Doubling down somehow erases the problem. It totally doesn’t put you at their level, right? Or did you think everyone is just so dumb they can’t see your stupid thrown into the ring too?


    Who’s level?

    TheWoozy, (edited )

    No, they don’t. They blamed the silent gen for ecological destruction, social inequality, and war. They also, like every generation back to australopithecus blamed their elders and thought the younger generation was spoiled & had shorter attention spans.

    Don’t foolishly attribute a universal human flaw to a single group of people.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Yeah, not like boomers blame millenials or gen Z for everything. Oh wait.

    Maybe we should stop dividing up into age tribes and attacking each other?

    The problems we face affect every age in the same way.


    Surprised your comment has positive upvotes because this thread has turned into /FuckBoomers.

    Boomers aren’t the problem.


    There is a lot of projection in that comment. Maybe there were a few anti-boomer memes before this post in your feed which led you to it.

    The website shows death statistics of every generation with people alive, famous people and animals. The title of this post just points out that exactly a third of the boomer generation has now died, which is a mildly interesting threshold, hence the community this is posted in.

    This is a neutral post and it isn’t anti-boomer per se.


    Just the fact that this site exists is a testament to people without empathy.


    Death belongs to life and statistics about it are useful and interesting.


    Yeah, people aren’t just numbers. Statistics are fine. A “death clock” and a website basically celebrating people dying is not


    I don’t see celebration on the website


    When I saw the post I thought this was some statistics sub, but then I read the comments. The comments made me write this.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    This is a neutral post and it isn’t anti-boomer per se.

    It’s a little disingenuous to say that though .

    How is presented to us, in this Lemmy post, isn’t really neutral though, it leans towards one point of view.

    loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    OK boomer

    (Please block me shitheads)


    OK, blocked person.


    Because as a new generation we’re going to make a lot of mistakes, who knows if more or less than the past generations.

    musk, Zuckerberg, Chesky, bezos are but a few who aren’t even boomers and have done probably far more destruction to society with their attainment of wealth.

    We’re gonna see this current generation posting this usVSthem bullshit explain all that away to the future generation when their kids look into their online memes like this one about how ‘they knew better than boomers enough to criticize’

    “Tell me about how you stood by Greta thunberg and didn’t just sit on your ass posting drivel on your iPhone while you rented Airbnb and got half your things off of Amazon. Did you vote in trump? Tell me how did he become president again?”

    Part of me thinks this generation posting this generation meme drek is a poor attempt to quickly burry this giant steaming pile of poo.

    Wookie, in Order Number: 497 - Total: $4.97 avatar

    Soda and 2 slices of cheese.. you okay?


    I get the feeling it was cheap pizza, not just slices of cheese 😂

    subignition, avatar

    fuck yeah, pepsi and kraft singles


    I mean, I’m not here to judge


    Yeah, that’s definitely a Costco food court receipt for pizza and soda


    can confirm, was at a costco this morning, they didn’t have any soda cups 10 minutes after opening at 10am

    rockhstrongo, avatar

    I was waiting for someone to recognize that it was Costco


    2 slices? I see 1,184,757 slices on this receipt. Cheap, too.


    Looking at that price it’s cheap AF

    Poot, in in Australia, when we pay taxes, we get a receipt. The receipt shows what our taxes were spent on avatar

    In the US that would be a list of Congressmen and the Billionaires who own them.


    I think US would have a slightly smaller problem of NOT KNOWING WHERE THE FUCKING CASH IS

    c0mbatbag3l, avatar

    Can’t be out of money if you don’t know where the money is!

    LemmyFeed, in I got togo food from a dive bar and the paper pattern soaked into the bread

    Just a little extra red dye 40.

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