AlboTheGuy, That can’t be good…
Cheems, It was actually ok. I wouldn’t say it was great, but I enjoyed it. It was a Philly cheese steak.
Lt_Cdr_Data, …good for you*
Cheems, Ok thanks
Llew, He means, “That can’t be good for you”
SwallowsDick, I enjoyed this exchange
Snapz, “You have cancer now”
“Yeah, I totally have it, but I had fun, it’s fine”
Cheems, Such is life
Send_me_nude_girls, Cancer bread
Hammersbald, German “Bread”
RepulsiveDog4415, “Food”
Cheems, “paper”
EmoDuck, “dive”
watersnipje, I always read “togo” as the African country first, not as “to go”.
Spuddlesv2, Wait is this a thing? Do Americans legitimately call it “togo”? I came in here to find out what sort of food togo was.
JokeDeity, No, we do not. We do say “to go” however. OP probably accidentally missed a space.
CmdrShepard, People mess this one up alot.
SwallowsDick, It’s weird how culturally ubiquitous some common smartphone typos become
funkless_eck, british ex pat in America. I have said “to take away” and been met with blank looks, until I corrected to “to go”
CmdrShepard, I think “take away” is valid too. “To take away” just sounds odd.
Chetzemoka, Also “carry out”
1847953620, American. Can confirm. Highly regarded people are everywhere.
Sinkbath, I believe the yelp app uses take out, which sounds right.
CrayonRosary, No. Normal people write “to go”.
xantoxis, Love a nice wet bun
Cheems, Hmmm yeah greasy.
NathanUp, I remember when anything from a chippy came wrapped in newspaper. I don’t know why, but I really appreciated that as a kid.
CuddlyCassowary, Fish and chips vendor. Basically wonderfully greasy fried British street food.
NathanUp, There is nothing like a poke of chips. Somehow, something so simple truly has no analog in the US. I really don’t know what they do so differently.
SwallowsDick, More car oriented geography and more McDonald’s
Empricorn, Can someone translate for those of us on the other side of the pond…?
GiveOver, It’s what British people call a drug dealer. It comes from the word chipper, meaning perked-up
Airazz, Fish and chips shop. Traditional and delicious British dish.
JokeDeity, Chips here meaning french fries in the US, not potato chips, which themselves would be crisps in the UK.
Psythik, A “chippy”?
ma11en, Carpenter
9point6, Or, in this context, a British fish & chips shop
SubArcticTundra, I suppose being wrapped in newspaper would make it feel more scruffy and home made
NathanUp, I don’t think it was that - the way they wrap it is very quick and professional looking. The texture was nice in particular - a warm parcel of newspaper. Idk.
SubArcticTundra, That reminds me of how they wrap burritos
NathanUp, Same energy
Wispy2891, Mildly infuriating, they weren’t supposed to have the oils touch the inks
They should have wrapped it on the other side
You should ask a refund
NathanUp, In all likelihood, it’s rated for direct food contact on both sides, like the stickers on fresh fruit; you’re meant to be able to safely eat them (although you may not want to).
nocturne213, I eat a lot of stickers.
thekernel, ooor they just bought it from aliexpress and who knows what the ink is made from
Cheems, This place is in the middle of nowhere and it was a biker dive bar, I sure as shit am not asking for a refund haha.
SirNuke, Is this the one part of the night qualifies as merely mildly interesting?
Luke_Fartnocker, Don’t ask for a refund; demand it. Threaten them if you have to. Tell them you’ll bring the pain if they don’t give you your money back.
Nurse_Robot, Where on earth do you get your information from
LemmyFeed, Just a little extra red dye 40.
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