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Lumidaub, in Bayer division 'knowingly sold' HIV-infected protein (2003) avatar

From the title here, I thought this happened in 2003, not that the article is from 2003. Good thing the page itself has a bright yellow text box. Just saying, you might have made this clearer. I also wouldn’t call this “mildly interesting”. I don’t know what it is but there’s nothing “mildly” about it. Fuck.


I also wouldn’t call this “mildly interesting”. I don’t know what it i

It’s extremely horrifying is what it is and the executives responsible for this decision should be put into prison. This is monstrous. Someone who’s comfortable with this decision does not belong in society. A monetary fine is not adequate, especially since the fines are usually less than the profit they earn through these types of actions. They just consider them business expenses.

RagingRobot, in And I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more.

It’s weird that they wrote miles instead of kilometers


The UK uses miles. They mostly use the metric system, but there are a few cases where they use the imperial system (like distance)


And assume online that everyone else does.

teydam, in And I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more.

Am american. do not understand. live in a state that is 1000 miles wide.


A 1000 mile radius does cover a chunk of the US. Centered on Denver it covers basically everything west of Michigan (excl Alaska and Hawaii of course).…

Mr_Buscemi, avatar

The size difference is getting to me too lol

I used to drive a 200 mile round trip weekly to visit home while I was in college.

Houston to East Texas is a fun drive.


I had a german professor once remark to me about how different Americans are, like hundreds of miles is a day trip, hundreds of miles is a week long trip by car. Bet the trains are awesome though. Amtrak long distances seems way too expensive relative to my other options when factoring in time.

jalda, in And I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more.

They never said that they were walking on a straight line


This just in!

The Proclaimers are actually Jesuses with their amazing ability to walk on water


Also thought, I wanna see someone cross Switzerland in a laterally straight line

ivanafterall, in Floating platform in Peru avatar

Reminds me of an old C.S. Lewis sci-fi book (Perelandra) that had massive floating islands on top of the waves like this.

niktemadur, avatar

I read Out Of The Silent Planet and Perelandra as a boy, enjoyed them.

But I couldn't make it through That Hideous Strength, I put it down baffled and bored one day, and never picked it up again. Now I'm thinking I was too young for it, particularly growing up so far away from the novel's setting in England.

The first two novels take place in Mars and Venus, so there's a sense of adventure. But in That Hideous Strength, the mannerisms and situations and dialogue styles are akin to something like Brideshead Revisited in Oxford and/or Cambridge.

While a British boy might get the whole thing intuitively, I grew up in Mexico, so had no mental compass of that world at that age. It was all as confusing to me then as God Emperor Of Dune was later.

ivanafterall, avatar

I really loved the sense of adventure in both. A lot of people dislike That Hideous Strength relative to the others, so I don't think you're alone. I actually loved it, but I was a bit older when I read it. I felt like it was a rare example building an atmosphere of dread and foreboding. However, it's been many years since I read it. My own opinion of it may be different now.

ebits21, in Asian earwax > Every other earwax avatar

Can confirm. I’m an Audiologist and remove earwax all day.


What’s your opinion on cerumen?

ebits21, avatar

Not sure what you mean?


What’s your opinion on cerumen? Seems pretty straightforward.

ebits21, avatar

What about it?


What do you think about it?

ebits21, avatar

Cerumen is a good thing if it’s not causing complications. Lubricates the skin to stop drying, antimicrobial/anti fungal for certain things, helps maintain acidity.

Ear canal is like a conveyor belt and keeps carrying it out, a lot of the earwax is actually dead skin. For most people, being conservative and mostly cleaning the outer ear entrance is just fine.

It’s a problem if it’s blocking the ear, trapping water in the ear after showers, on the eardrum, affecting hearing aids etc.

Qtips suck for ears and often make things worse. Many times a day I see a wall of earwax blocking the ear with a qtip indent in it. I also see bruises from qtips in the canal all the time. Very rarely people that have shoved the qtip through the eardrums (very bad).

givesomefucks, in Asian earwax > Every other earwax

The genes aren’t unique to Asians, it’s just most have it over there.

Europeans are way more likely to just have one copy of the “Asian” gene than two copies tho.

Which fucking sucks, because you get both types of earwax and the gooey and flakey get all mushed up.


And that, is how I imagine crunchy peanut butter


I think I just threw up in my mouth

ivanafterall, avatar

Was it moist and gooey or dry and flakey?

nottheengineer, in LED bulb PCB after failure

Looks like the coating above the traces didn’t quite stand up to the heat over the years.

But it looks nice, maybe we can make PCB art with that.

umulu, avatar

That might be it. I was thinking it could the a spike in voltage that shorted the traces. But nothing else got damaged in the house, so it is less likely.

EliteCow, in A look inside the Cartoon Network building, which was recently shut down

Please don’t use imgur or if you do, post the direct image url (ie link.jpg)

UnknownQuantity, in Japan Still Has Ninjas — But They’re About to Go Extinct

Ninjas are mammals.

kfoo, avatar

Ninjas fight ALL the time.


The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.


For the uninitiated, a little bit of old time internet:

mrbubblesort, avatar

No no, I saw a documentary about them in the 90s, I'm pretty sure they are turtles

TheBlue22, in Had to travel utegently out of town for a week and forgot to turn on the dishwasher before I left

If you turned it on now, would it clean the mold? Or do you just throw away the dishes


I think it would clean it. Especially cause it’s a dish washer. But tbh I have no idea and there’s probably a dishwasher expert that can answer this lmao


Time for a science experiment I suppose (not me, i dont have a dishwasher)

StudChud, in These pretzels look like buttholes

Pucker up!


Your comment beneath your thumbnail is goddamned perfection.

FartsWithAnAccent, in All the Oreo middles from a single pack avatar

I don’t know what else I expected…


But are you disappointed? 😉

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