Holyhandgrenade, 1 year ago When you accidentally pick the wrong texture in Blender
When you accidentally pick the wrong texture in Blender
Gregorech, 1 year ago Mixing mini golf and farm town.
Mixing mini golf and farm town.
dan80, 1 year ago I don’t see roads, how do farmers get there?
I don’t see roads, how do farmers get there?
kite, 1 year ago It’s hard to see from the image, but if it’s like fields here, the lines you see dividing each “patch” are usually large enough / cleared enough to drive on.
It’s hard to see from the image, but if it’s like fields here, the lines you see dividing each “patch” are usually large enough / cleared enough to drive on.
YurkshireLad, 1 year ago When you don’t know how to create hills in a 3D engine’s terrain editor.
When you don’t know how to create hills in a 3D engine’s terrain editor.
ivanafterall, 1 year ago Looks like the wrong object was selected when applying Voronoi fracture.
Looks like the wrong object was selected when applying Voronoi fracture.
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