Harbor Freight charges $1 extra for green extension cords instead of orange

MisterD, In Canada, they charge 50-100% for black extension cords
phx, I’ve heard it’s 80% for one with just a female end
ThorAlex, In Europe red are usuallly the cheap PVC ones while black has higher quality insulation and last much longer, well worth the price difference.
moosetwin, ![]()
that’s a bit funny but I can’t think of why
thanevim, Something something, going green is expensive?
LazaroFilm, ![]()
I use stingers used on film sets instead. It’s more that $1 markup.
bjoern_tantau, ![]()
Well, green stuff usually is more expensive.
slazer2au, If the die costs $0.03 per km of cable they have to mark it up at the factory, which means the disty needs to mark it up, so the retailer has to mark it up.
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