Thisfox, And yet only three strings…
Seems strange they didn’t make the key levers more ergonomic.
vivadanang, are they keys or locks? maybe I’m not familiar with the right nomenclature.
Thisfox, keys or levers, attached to a set of capos. Not locks.
bob_wiley, deleted_by_author
Thisfox, Nah, would make it look even larger, which would be good!
Tall as he is, the musician does look almost as if he has to stand on a platform to play. And that twist in his back doesn’t look sustainable.
MrPoopyButthole, The guy she tells you not to worry about…
IntergalacticZombie, This is just little people with a normal double bass and violins.
uis, Is it him?
mo_lave, He got that super bass
_Gandalf_the_Black_, Comically large cello
Blizzard, Big-ass bass
BrokebackHampton, Octobass, nobody suspects a thing 🎶
Yerbouti, Montreal Symphonic Orchestra?
Maultasche, Octobass Traveler: Champions of the Concert
M0oP0o, You typed it wrong, it is an OCTOBASS. (also make sure to have the dramatic music cued up if describing it in person)
lorez, Weird fish…
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