musicmind333, @MiraLazine love this!! any chance you can add a submission box? (With a section for source cited ofc :p). I'm sure there's a bunch out there that people might think of and want to add.
MiraLazine, That’s a good idea, thanks! I do have an email listed for now but I know not everyone would want to email someone random so I’ll look into adding that in a bit
musicmind333, @MiraLazine also there's the possibility -- you may be at risk of getting flooded with submissions :p
alquicksilver, This is neat! Thanks for sharing :)
ForestOrca, Agreed! Tho' there is so much more in each decade listing that could be shared. Science and knowledge continue to move forward.
RampantParanoia2365, Contrary to what DARE might have taught you, marijuana is not considered a substantial gateway drug
Lol, what? Of course it’s a gateway drug. What the hell else are you going to try first, heroine?
Krono, The gateway drug to heroine is most often prescription opioids, not weed.
Justchilling, That was a thing i did learn about thankfully enough (european school system)
idiomaddict, That’s like saying caffeine or aspirin is a gateway drug because you probably try those before harder drugs. That’s not the only qualification for a gateway drug: it has to significantly increase the likelihood of trying additional drugs, which marijuana in the US does not. Elsewhere it varies, but in the US, you’re not more likely to try heroin because you’ve tried marijuana.
Justchilling, In my country (The Netherlands) weed is defacto legal and widespread yet we don’t suffer from a crisis as severe as the US has, if anything it’s probably less likely that people go to harder substances since weed is so safe and widely available. I can even proudly say that I have never seen a junkie on the streets here.
metaStatic, class of 00 and I'm shocked at some of this shit. American schools must be the worst.
I had nosebleeds a lot and it was always common knowledge you never tilt your head back, like what the actual fuck.
Khanzarate, I had nosebleeds a lot too and everyone always told me that it lets the blood clot better. I’d always tell them I’d rather it just bleed then. So I thought it was true, I just didn’t care, it was uncomfortable.
Justchilling, It’s not just America.
spoilerWhen I was younger i suffered from a lot of nose bleeds and my parents argued with my schools nurse to not get me to tilt my head backwards because the blood kept on getting stuck in my throat.
metaStatic, Yes, all schools are shit because we aren't in 18th century Prussia anymore.
There was just a lot of America centric facts. but most that could be considered universal didn't hold true for me.
Justchilling, You’re lucky, good for you.
captainlezbian, I’m very grateful that everything in there got debunked by my high school teachers
atrielienz, Pretty accurate. My mom was very much invested in our education and contradicted a lot of this info when I was growing up so I learned the true facts.
FReddit, This is hilarious. Apparently the program did not pick up on staff grooming and raping young women.
Okalaydokalay, I always thought the holding your head back for a nosebleed was weird. I’d have that awful taste/internal smell of blood in my throat and the occasional gulp of blood clump 🤮
Plus it never seemed to stop it any better than when I’d just hold a tissue to my nose.
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