This guy floated down into my neighborhood the other day (
I got a misprinted fortune cookie fortune (
At Safeway right now, it's Halloween up to aisle 13 and Christmas from there on. (
Guinea Pig for sale at the local market (
For training, the US Army puts fake front cabins on Humvees to make them look like Soviet produced light vehicles. (
The US Army experimented with digital camouflage as early as the 1970s. (…/dual-texture-gradient-camouf…
STRAC FAST, a magazine for your magazines (
Album with a view of the spring.
This coat hook looks like Cthulhu (
Triple Yolk Egg (
Making scrambled eggs from my sister-in-law’s chickens and found one with a triple yolk.
This Seaworthy Guitar Boat (
Commissioned by singer Josh Pyke in 2008, this guitar boat is a larger-than-life replica of the acoustic guitar he usually performs with. The boat also featured in the music video for his song, “Make You Happy.”
Harbor Freight charges $1 extra for green extension cords instead of orange (
found a confusing bolt cleaning my parents' garage (
Mario Cake for a Mario Fan (
#NailedIt - My 7 yo loves all things Mario and requested a Mario Birthday Cake. I am so PROUD of it 🥰🥰.
My 48yr old unopened bottle of beer. (Circa 1975) (
I saw the String cheese post so I thought I’d share my own “slightly beyond best before date” consumable. I used to have two of them that I had found in my attic under some insulation, but the other one froze in my garage and broke open. (No, it did NOT smell pleasant. I’m pretty sure whatever vile liquid is in that...
12 year old string cheese (
I found this sealed package of string cheese inside an old convention swag bag....
Tree shaped by the wind (
If you look up the definition of 'bully', Duckduckgo gives you results from a 19th century dictionary (
Order Number: 497 - Total: $4.97 (
This nail polish comes with a built in swatch (
The Colossal Capterpillar 797 Haul Truck (
Front and back of $100 bill, real vs movie prop (
How geologists collect lava (
Hieroglyphic Nest in the Temple of Edfu, Egypt (
The awkwardly adorable way seals move on land is called "galumphing" (…/galumphing_how_seals_move…