I kinda stopped liking him when the whole beef with the Rock happened because boy did that make him look like an arrogant bitch
That’s also when I learned he made directors shoot scenes with them together in such a way that made them look the same height which is just…how self conscious can you be? You’re Vin Diesel. Nobody gives a shit that you’re “only” 5’11"
He also has a contract term limiting how badly fights can go for him. But apparently that’s common for action stars, so whatever.
I did find it amusing that during his feud with the Rock, they had to count the exact numbers of hits each took while fighting each other on screen so neither would look bad. It’s like, Vin is a D&D nerd who turned his horror franchise into a science fantasy opera and started his own video game company because he was frustrated at bad movie tie-ins (side note: Escape From Butcher Bay is one of, if not the, best prison games ever made). Embrace nerdity, reject this toxic masculinity crap. There’s a massive audience for that thing now - just look at Ryan Reynolds, nobody talks shit about him being a massive nerd.
Though this lawsuit is about events from thirteen years ago, so he was already too far gone early in his career. If it’s true, fuck him. Rapists and sexual assaulters get no sympathy.
I never understand this shit. Like even if you have absolutely no morals, you’re Vin Diesel. You can pretty much have consensual sex whenever you want to. Why do you have to resort to assaulting people?
This right here. Rape is not about arousal, it’s about power. I highly recommend Roy Hazelwood’s books on the matter if anyone, like me, has a morbid curiosity about why people commit certain violent crimes.
My uneducated guess would be that if you can have “normal” women at any time you want; or more generally have any needs met at any time because you are rich and famous, the things you cant have are much more appealing. A “no” or “not for sale” becomes “you don’t offer enough yet”.
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