Just cause you make a movie about women doesn’t mean you should get an Oscar. There were better directors and acted movies out there (in the opinion of the voters). That’s why it didn’t make the cut.
I personally didn’t even like the movie and definitely don’t think it deserves an award for best directing or acting.
This is kind of stupid tbh. Margot and Greta are NOT competing against Ryan. They’re competing against other females. This is because of this thing called “categories”.
Ryan getting nominated has NOTHING to do with this. It’s not like Ryan got nominated but they didn’t because he took their place.
This is happening because of the absolute flood of female centric characters and movies that came out recently. There’s too much competition. And much to the “feminists” dismay, Barbie is actually mid compared to the other movies and actresses.
Awesome, thanks for making that clear. Now, which other females do you think should’ve been nomimated? Because if there aren’t any, she was simply beat out by other directors.
I think Greta should have been nominated. I don’t really understand what point you are trying to make. Did you read the original comment where women are getting passed over but men are getting congratulated for theirs and it’s mimicking the Barbie storyline?
They literally compete in different categories and an actress from Barbie did get nominated. The ones that didn’t weren’t snubbed, other women got their place because they were better. Simple as that.
Right, but it is important to understand the origin of those differences.
They could be prohibition, straight discrimination, social stigma, culture or personal preference. And these are usually linked together and evolve over time. Once prohibition is abolished, discrimination begins. Once discrimination is abolished, social stigma remains… It’s like decaying radioactive elements.
But yeha, if there are 10% female directors and 10% of the winners were female, sounds like there’s no discrimination there. Anyways, even if percentages don’t match it’s important to go in and check if the decisions were fair. What if the 10% of female directors are really really bad for the movies released that year?
Too many variables. Things like these require statistical analysis, social analysis, artistic analysis… Pretty complex. I don’t know.
Cool, it sounded like you were spouting idealist nonsense without recognizing it, but that’s not the case, so fuck yeah! Let’s celebrate underrepresented artistic influence!
It feels like you’re saying there should be more. I have no idea who’s been nominated, nor do I know most of the films that came out last year, so I’m out of the loop and would like to know if you have any female director movies you’d recommend in place of who’s been nominated.
Barbie was a cultural phenomenon so I would say Greta should at least be nominated. Openheimer was an ok movie in my eyes I didn’t see any of the others. I don’t personally think Barbie was a great movie not a bad movie but more like a good movie. The fact it gave a voice to so many women should mean something.
You said it, it was a cultural phenomenom, not a great movie. Those are two very separate, very different things. That does not mean that the director of the movie was great. It’s more closely related to what Barbie already means (socially) and the marketing campaign.
But why was openheimer nominated, why was Ryan gosling nominated, why were so many movies nominated, not because they’re great acting or writing or movies but because the impact they have on society.
Beause it’s a better movie. Because he was better than other male actors in movies from 2023. That last one I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Which movie was nominated because of its “social impact”?
It happens to all these movies. Nice when you stumble across an unheard of underground film, but then the flip happens: “HOW DOES NOBODY KNOW ABOUT THIS??”
Like legitimately one of the best parts is Ken and his dance number, the director went hard on that and fucking aced it. I don’t remember much else from the film and about Barbie tbh
With all of is controversy with the Barbie movie and nominations next year we might see an expansion of the pool of nominations
Smaller how TDK changed how the best picture nomination was awarded but we could do the same thing for actor and actress nominations. After 2008 a lot of people felt that the dark night was snub for best picture, so the academy changed the number of nominations that could be awarded for best picture. Originally only five movies could be nominated for best picture but after 2008 the minimum number of best picture nominees was 10. a few years later 10 was too much so they changed it to minimum 5 and maximum of 10 nominations. I think that’s a good compromise because some years have very good performances while other years have mediocre, but you can definitely find five performances that outshined everyone else and having a maximum of 10 nominations limits the number of people that can be nominated.
I personally think we should remove the gendered nominations for acting actresses and instead separate them by age. Same way how the Grammys removed gender nominations, but instead for the academy. If you separate them by age, it makes more sense. Most older actors and actresses can’t play roles that are for younger actors and actresses and vice versa for young artists. It is also more inclusive for trans and non-binary artists. It also evens the playing field a little bit because generally speaking older performers have more experience so it’s harder for younger performers to be nominated.
personally think we should remove the gendered nominations for acting actresses
No this would be a bad idea. Then any time a man won (or got nominated like Ryan here), people will be like “omg patriarchy”. Look at what’s happening now. They’re not even nominated in the same category, and people are bitching. It’s gonna be so much worse if this is implemented. Men can’t get nominated at all.
Not surprised Robbie didn’t get a Best Actress nomination, but I really felt Gerwig was a shoo-in for Best Director. Gerwig can still walk away with Best Picture and/or Best Adapted Screenplay though, so it doesn’t feel like a total snub.
Honestly the Lead Actress Category was stacked this year. Emma Stone played a very similar role but was far more complex. Why are people also forgetting that America Ferrera was also nominated ? Best Director is also a smaller pool than Best Picture where it was nominated. It looks bad on optics but if people actually watched all the movies they would know that each of the actresses nominated deserved it . It’s not like they gave the nomination to a man lol
I’m definitely annoyed by the lack of praise for America. She was brilliant in the role and personified the movie. Margo played the means to tell the story, but America was the story. Don’t get me wrong, Margo was amazing and deserved a nomination too, but so did America who seems to be forgotten in the whole mess of the movie for some reason. She had the single most impactful scene in the movie with her monologue about how hard it is to be a woman.
Kind of a weird thing for him to say imo. It’s not like they got snubbed, this year was just really stacked, and the other nominations being filled with other incredibly talented women shows that. Be happy for them, don’t put a damper on their achievements because you’re upset that your co-star didn’t get nominated.
Obviously I get that he can’t help how he feels, but making this whole statement just feels like an odd choice.
He’s saying that without the leading actors of the film being who they are - simply, the extremely talented people they they are - he wouldn’t have had a movie in which to act (the Barbie movie) to shine and gain the honor of being nominated.
More to the point, him being nominated when they are not, is, in and of itself, ironic; on several levels.
His entire sentiment here is that they should have had recognition for their roles in a very culturally relevant film, in which they did really great work. They commanded the screen in a way that few can. The entire thing pivots around the leading characters.
Honestly, I couldn’t give two fucks about how stacked the year was. If you examine mentions of films in news, social media, and other sources where people discuss movies, the Barbie movie would be mentioned a lot more than pretty much any other. And yet, the headlining character, played by an amazingly talented young woman, didn’t get nominated?
Bluntly, I’m surprised his comments were this restrained. If I was in his shoes I would have told them to take their nomination and shove it. It clearly doesn’t mean anything if they won’t even give a nomination to Margot. Her performance was picture perfect as far as I’m concerned.
Honestly Barbie just wasn’t a good movie and it really shouldn’t have gotten any nominations
It was over hyped and it was trash marketing for Matel.
And if you guys watched the movie it literally ended with Ryan gosling learning absolutely no lessons and just being like oh ok I can act like a dick and I’ll still get what I want?
Killers of the flower moon was far far better than both Oppenheimer and Barbie. Honestly don’t think Oppenheimer should have received so many nominations either.
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