
We can tell when a movie is being sold by the one sex scene in it and if that is the case, there isn’t much value to the movie

outer_spec, avatar

I think the phrase “amatonormativity” should be more well-known, I think it would be pretty relevant in this discussion.

Grant_M, avatar

Whatever happened to great movies like Breakfast Club? (I’m gen-x)


Different times. When I was growing up, a sex scene in a movie might be one of very few opportunities where you got to see a pair of boobs, unless you could get someone to buy you a porno magazine or VHS tape. These days, there are probably millions of options in this area, instantly accessible. And Hollywood-produced nude/sex scenes are all going to be fake and cringy in comparison.


Actually I think they have the same problem with it we Millennials do, and that we don’t find it Charming when a guy acts like a total creep and is rewarded for it because the movie was written by total creeps. Or if our lead is a woman, I’m tired of hearing about how successful and fulfilled she is with her brilliant career that no one takes seriously, because she hasn’t found the right man yet, but then she does and discovers that all of her problems are solved by his penis. Because those movies are also made by creeps


I was thinking this too. Also, not EVERYTHING needs to have a love story jammed into it. There are so many situations that you can tell they shoehorned one in in order to pull a specific demo and it’s totally not necessary for the story


Just make something that isn’t the exact same fucking thing I’ve seen 12 times, fuck

nomecks, (edited )

I think Team America: World Police proved that boring Hollywood sex isn’t what the people want.


It makes the studio money so it’s what gets green lit. Trying something new is risk. If could tank. Status quo FTL.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Recycling scripts and dragging 80 year old actors out of retirement makes for cheaper SEO and a higher gross from millennials/boomers.

New shit is risky, which means lower yield into the next quarter.

Also, copywriter/contract laws require media to use it or lose it. So you’re going to get an X-Men movie every five years whether you like it or not.


Copyright is NOT use it or lose it. Franchising licensing contracts might occasionally have such terms but that’s not the primary reason, these companies just don’t like risk

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Franchising licensing contracts might occasionally have such terms

X-Men and Spiderman both revert to Marvel if they aren’t used… I want to say every five years.

Fantastic Four was acquired by Disney in '19, so that one is a moot point.


Maybe now Guillermo DelToro can make “In The Mountains Of Madness”, his dream oroject which kept getting rejected because “there is no love interest in the story”. FUCK HOLLYWOOD.

Meanwhile, younger generations are getting all kinds of ass without any psychotic inhibitions so a sex scene just looks stupid to them, and has nothing to do with the story.


I don’t think they’re getting all kinds of ass, I mean in cells are still a thing


Incels have always existed; they simply have a bullhorn now.


I gave up on movies in like '09. No I do not want to see your 5,000th Marvel movie or remake of an 80s movie, regardless of sex scenes, thanks.


There’s been great movies made, not all movies are giant studios trying to maximize profits.


But where do we go to find them?


Look at movies that go through film festivals like Cannes or Sundance.


Good tips and I'll write them down


Tbf I do know that, I have a small “I’ll get to it” list. I’m done with theatres though.

Off the top of my head the list is

1917 Dune

Other than that I do like troma and dumb stuff like that.


As much as I like the Marvel movies, or rather did, the problem is that they were never a series of movies, and it could be argued that they should not be taken seriously as pieces of Cinema at least as far as movies are concerned. Because they are not movies, it’s more of a continuous show where all the episodes are very long and very expensive. None of them can truly be considered a self-contained experience. Which is a problem the comic book industry faces all the time as they need to continuously find ways to keep things recognizable yet continuously moving in new directions, there isn’t a chance to actually sit down and tell and develop a single story like there is for manga

wilberfan, avatar

That’s oddly about the time I started to become disenchanted with most contemporary cinema. Both parents worked in the Industry, dad was a voting member of the Academy for many years. The Oscars were–no exaggeration–the Holiest night on our family calendar. I even got to attend in person once. (The one where Benigni climbed up on the furniture–'99.)

Then THE ARTIST won best picture (2011). 🤦‍♂️

I stopped watching the Oscars completely about 5 years ago. The only enthusiasm I can muster anymore is new films by old masters (PTA, Scorsese, Tarantino, etc.)


It never bothered me as a kid, but now for some reason I get triggered by the way Hollywood portrays romance. Why is everyone such a HUGE slut? It’s such a huge turn off. It is actually really hard to find a film that portrays a healthy loving monogamous relationship.

MinusPi, avatar

Defining a healthy relationship as strictly monogamous


That’s not the only way to interpret it. I read it as “healthy AND loving AND monogamous”, meaning monogamous relationships do get tons of recognition, but they’re often very unhealthy relationships.


Bit sensitive? That charity wasn’t what they were saying


Ok grandpa

CurlyMoustache, avatar

Hint: you should stop watching orgy porn


Turns out, the people who have private sex islands have a terrible view on relationships.

It’s not even just about the sex scenes. How many loving sitcom couples/families routinely lie to each other?


Doesn’t help that sex keeps being written into shows where it doesn’t belong.

It’s trying to make a show “more adult” in literally the most childish way possible.

That Halo show is a good example of completely needless sex scenes.

loobkoob, avatar

I'd completely forgotten about the Halo show in general, and now you've just reminded me of Master Cheeks all over again :(

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Every show needs a romantic subplot. Its fundamental to the marketing.


All I know about the Halo show is that it ignores the entirety of the Halo lore in order to basically try to be a note for note rip off of the Mandalorian. But the fact that it has sex scenes bothers me, I mean isn’t it cannon that the Spartan project killed Master Chiefs libido and therefore he is effectively asexual?


The rate at which the Spartan II augmentations killed people’s sex drive is overstated quite a bit, but yeah Chief doesn’t really show to have much of a libido (from what I’ve read, only at Ghosts of Onyx so far), and having this alternate version of Chief be so unhinged as to bang a POW really goes against canon Chief’s single minded dedication to his missions.

rip_art_bell, avatar


Mchugho, (edited )

Gen Z have an inability to engage with challenging adult material. They have been groomed by Marvel to just watch children’s material for their entire lives.

Sex is normal and healthy. Not every scene in everything serves to advance plot, scenes can flesh out character relationships and scenes can just be plain fun to watch.

We have an entire generation of people who are basing all of their knowledge of sex with porn. This leads them to believe that all intimacy is shameful and pornographic. It’s leading to a revival of puritanical conservative values in a generation who brands themselves as progressive despite having a habit of wanting everything they personally are challenged by to be censored. Whether that be views on social media, famous individuals they disagree with or even the art we consume.

Do yourself a favour and watch some high class cinema that has good sex scenes. Watch some David Lynch instead of Iron Man or Hunger Games.


Sex is normal and healthy.

Pooping is normal and healthy.

Obi, avatar

I don’t mind a bit of pooping in my movies either.


Me either, but I don’t get bent out of shape when someone doesn’t want to watch someone poop.


I grew up during the time when sex scenes on HBO and Cinemax were the closest thing to porn on tv. I can’t think of a worse sex scene than The Specialist, with Sly Stallone. It was silly and unnecessary. I even found it weird as a teen. That says a lot. There were many scenes like this in many films.

You can include sex without dramatizing / showcasing it. I don’t blame young people for finding these old tropes to be a digression. See my other comment about sex in The Sopranos to confirm that I’m not anti-sex in media.


There are bad scenes of any variety in media. Why focus on sex scenes?

Why shouldn’t sex be dramatised or showcased? Its far lamer to just fade to black and wink, for god’s sake we’re adults.


It’s far lamer to shoehorn in a long sex scene that doesn’t make sense. See sex in Sopranos, as I mentioned. It’s not overdone. It happens and we move on.


What doesn’t make sense about long sex scenes? They’re not exactly hard to follow.

Even still I’m not convinced that long sex scenes are ubiquitous in the way you are suggesting outside of things like fifty shade of grey.


I guess you didn’t watch a lot of mainstream movies on HBO in the 90s. They were gratuitous at the time.


Neither did Gen Z, that’s not what they are complaining about.


You’re right, but you’re missing the forrest for the trees. Deliberately, I think.


To me they just sound exactly like the conservatives in days gone past, outraged at the prospect of sexual content. Media is better when people let creatives do their thing and people stop worrying about every damn thing being done “correctly” I.e following their formula or prescription.

With the amount of choice we have now, why anybody chooses to watch things they don’t want to consume to then complain about it online is absolutely beyond me.


What a load of elitist bullshit. Being progressive does not mean one likes watching random people having sex, especially if it doesn’t fit the tone of the move/show and especially especially if it’s horribly directed, as they usually are.


It used to be the bible bashing conservatives who complained about sex and violence on television. Now it’s the young people who pride themselves on being progressives, when in reality they lose their shit when anybody says or does anything they don’t personally agree with in much the same way. They aren’t progressive, they’re extremely intolerant and want to push their opinions on everyone else. I can’t wait for culture to inevitably swing back round in backlash and for people to stop giving a fuck like in the 90s.


i want rub dik I go pornhub i want story i go movie


This is exactly the problem right here. We have a generation of people that think sex is just about getting themselves off and nothing deeper or more meaningful than that. Just a bodily function with one purpose, disposable and void of meaning.


It is rarely ever portrayed as anything deeper or meaningful in current media.


they lose their shit when anybody says or does anything they don’t personally agree with in much the same way

whoole lotta projection going on here


Your comment is typical of a subset of progressives that have no acceptance for people who do not share the same values as them. Dare I say, that is not very progressive of you? What is wrong with having “puritanical conservative values” when it comes to relationships? Must one forcibly engage in orgies with strangers to be a “proper” progressive?


I just don’t think defining yourself in opposition to everything makes you a progressive. I’m clearly on the libertarian end of the axis here. I’m not the one advocating for art to only be done in a specific way that caters to my personal sensibilities and weirdness over sex.


Fuck that noise, I just don’t think we need smooching, sex and all that shit in every goddamn movie. Shit’s not needed, breaks the flow and is basically there only because everyone else does that. Fuck that noise. And no, these scenes do fuck all in most movies to fleshing out character, quite often they actually make it more shallow by being either uncharacteristic or feeling shoed in, dammit.

And if anything, from what I see around people are hella more open about sex. Thanks to overabundance of porn and all, sex became normalized. At least a lot more than when I was a child.


Being from a generation that was exposed to porn early doesn’t make you more open with sex. It makes you have a warped relationship with sex, to the point where you find smooching disgusting.


Oh, do you find it disgusting? Because I don’t - I find it unnecessary, as said before.

Sex, showing feelings and care are normal - doesn’t mean I need it in every goddamn movie.


It’s really not in every goddamn movie for starters and when it is it’s extremely toned down: no penetration, no vulva, no boners.

The biggest movies of this year had basically no sex bar Oppenheimer. Barbie, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avatar. Culture is already tame as hell and antiseptic compared to the past I literally don’t even understand where the criticism is coming from.


just cut to a train entering a tunnel and fade to black


We’re going to go back to silent films with placards explaining the context aren’t we?



ragtime piano intensifies


The Hayes code sucked, but the way directors needed to be creative to get around it was great. Modern directors could learn a lot about making romantic relationships smolder and using innuendo instead of adding cheap sex.


Why are young people so offended by nudity? Get over yourselves and stop pushing to censor creativity. This is the generation that thinks Marvel represents high class cinema so I suppose I shouldn’t take it too seriously.


For years everyone questioned why literally everything is so overly sexualized. Every plot, every ad, every spare moment when sex is shoehorned into literally everything we see, watch and hear in media. Now, the young adults are sayin, “nah, fuck that” and I dont disagree with that response. I think it’s less them being offended as you’re making it out to be and more just wanting something different besides the status quo. Its unwise and unhelpful to shit on these kids at every turn. Previous generations said the same thing about your generation when you were that age.

Edit: typo


I find it all to be weirdly puritanical, then and now. They are more offended by tits than violence which is mind boggling.

Sex is a healthy, natural part of life. Violence is not, yet Gen Z choose to be more offended by the former.

Do us a favour and stop watching R rated films if you can’t hack it.


It’s a natural part of life but so is pooping and I don’t want to watch anybody do that on screen either. Fade to black. Same with extreme violence. These things can be an important part of the story without being shown graphically.


Pooping doesn’t quite elicit the same emotions between characters as sex now does it? The fact that you’ve even compared the two is wild. Even then I have seen some fantastic pooping scenes in films (Trainspotting).

How about letting directors treat film goers as adults?


No one is offended by it. Its just boring. I would prefer the movie to be 10 minutes shorter than have a 10 minutes sex scene in it.


Of course people are offended by it. Have you seen this thread? It’s people who find the very idea of sex to be disgusting rather than a beautiful part of life.


Watching other people drool over each other and exchange bodily fluids is just cringe.


If you think that’s all that’s happening during sex scenes I feel a little bit sorry for you.


Most sex scenes these days and done for the sake of creativity.


They aren’t though. People complain about the nudity in Oppenheimer as being gratuitous but it was a creative way to show how uncomfortable and vulnerable Robert was in that interrogation.

I literally can’t think of another example of a sex scene in recent films because cinema is already becoming more childish and sanitised.


Iam not gen z and not offended by nudity, but mostly i find it doesn’t add to the story if the sex scenes are played out. If i want porn, i just watch porn.


It’s not porn it’s a sex scene.

“Show don’t tell” is the golden rule of film making. It’s way better to show relationships between people than allude to them. Of course sex scenes add to stories, sex is a normal and life changing part of people’s lives and that should be reflected in our arts and culture.


For sure they do, but in some series its nearly porn and doesn’t add to the story.


Two characters having intimate relations nearly always adds to the story. Very often it’s a major plot point. I don’t know what you’re watching where two characters going at it doesn’t advance the plot in any way.


I have seen the first season of the series the article shows. Which had more sex scenes than the plot could handle.

Probably its just what they think the target group likes.

And you are not getting my point. People having sex on tv is ok. Having 10+ Minute sex scenes is unnecessary and doesn’t add to the story.


I don’t think 10 minute sex scenes are super common though.

But again even when they exist, of course it advances the story. Nothing changes dynamics between people like sex in reality.

Why would media show every facet of life except sex? That’s a far weirder prospect to me.


Lol, i never said “dO nOt ShOw AnY sEx ScEne”


I just despise the way that people want to stifle creativity and place limits on what is and isn’t acceptable in media based on their own personal squeamishness and morals.

You might think ten minutes are too long. If you do it’s your right to turn it off and not watch without going on a moral rant about how it’s unnecessary.


Okay, but what exactly does it add once you've made your point that they're banging? What additional point are you making that warrants not cutting to the next scene after that point has been established?

Lots of film and show makers don't ask these questions when they make their sex scenes so the result is boring filler.


TV shows aren’t just streams of information to be imbibed by the viewer like the manual for your car.


You're still failing to answer the first question:

what exactly does it add once you've made your point that they're banging?'s not entertaining either. If I wanted to watch people bang, I'd just go find some porn.


There is no point talking to you because you don’t realise different people find different values in different things. Some people would rather their TV reflected the reality of human relationships rather than being a sanitised mockery.

Thinking TV sex is anywhere close to pornographic in it’s current iteration is laughable


There is no point talking to you because you don’t realise different people find different values in different things.

Sorry, I put this through my translator but all I got out was 'i don't actually have a point to make so I'm just going to pretend I won the argument'. Is this correct?

Some people would rather their TV reflected the reality of human relationships rather than being a sanitised mockery

It's cute that you think the kinds of shows that have sex scenes are anything other than a mockery of human relationships in themselves. Do you not actually pay attention to the plots?


How can you even make this argument without even referencing a show? I get it, you’re offended by boobs. Move on with your existence.


How can you even make this argument without even referencing a show?

Halo. MC goes to interrogate an enemy prisoner of war and literal enemy of humanity. Ends up sleeping with them.

Game of Thrones. Multiple instances, usually including rape, incest, prostitution.


The first I can’t comment on. Sounds daft, but also sounds like some plot development occurs.

Game of Thrones was literally better and truer to the source material with nudity. The sex scenes 100% added to the tone of the show and showcased many important arcs.


I work in the film business and have been on seta making the biggest movies in the world, even some of those Marvel super hero movies you mentioned. And Although I dont disagree at all those movies are really the lowest common denominator, film making for mainstream consumption is FAR less artistically expressive and driven than what most may realize. Indie films are generally far more creative during the writing and filming process and generally dive deeper into stories that absolutely merit sexual content. I dont think that’s what they are saying though. This is about mainstream media and just wanting something more creative than the same old shit time and time again in relation to sexual content. And I think that’s a fair perspective. There’s true art in film and then there’s the shit on TV and those two are nearly completely seperate.


I don’t watch nothing without sex scenes


I guess there’s not many grammar lessons with sex scenes in theme.


I guess there’s not there aren’t many grammar lessons with sex scenes in theme them.





I’m so sorry. In my native language, this grammar is correct, I would never predict that English does this different way


Lol, well, don’t worry about it. The only reason I poked fun at you was because it’s such a common mistake for English speakers as well.

It’s just “anything” instead of “nothing”.

CurlyMoustache, avatar

English is not my first language… But «I do not watch nothing without sex scenes» sounds iffy gramatically

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