wren, As an actual librarian, I love this. Freedom of information!
NaibofTabr, Do you know about the Minecraft Uncensored Library?
grue, …Oh, it’s a virtual library implemented in Minecraft.
That’s a relief; for a minute there I was terrified that it was a library of NSFW Minecraft mobs.
Thorned_Rose, Ghasts Gone Wild
amanaftermidnight, It actually explains Sniffers 100%
wren, Absolutely amazing, though I will say the name made me do a double take
Johanno, However it is a very small library. The idea is good but with under a hundred books it is not really an library. (at least it was that when they mentioned it in the news a few years ago)
NaibofTabr, It’s up to about 300 now.
Johanno, Really cool, but I would expect at least the English one to be copy pasted a lot of important knowledge ones. Especially those that are banned in certain countries.
AceQuorthon, Me with my self ripped catalogue of over 400 albums in .flac.
Yes I’m broke, how did you know???
amanaftermidnight, Piracy is Preservation
Spacehooks, More like archivist
jeremyparker, As a librarian irl, if I could make a horribly reductive characterization of the difference:
Librarians’ top priority is providing access Archivists’ top priority is preservation
Do you seed? You’re a librarian Leech and no seed? Archivist
be a librarian, we’re better
Spacehooks, Good call on the distinction. Makes sense.
Emerald, Kind of both. I keep a music collection as an archive and share it with others too on Soulseek
lightnsfw, The file structure for my ebook collection is literally BISAC so I basically am a librarian.
Nouveau_Burnswick, Don’t you mean you’re Bisacally a librarian?
nutsack, how the fuck do i filter out image posts? this meme shit is useless as hell.
Pyroglyph, Just block the community. It would have been faster than typing this comment.
nutsack, there’s decent posts in here, and there’s also this
Pyroglyph, Ah I see. I don’t think there’s a way to do that yet.
If you’re so inclined, perhaps you could contribute to the discussion (or development) around tags on Lemmy here, since a feature like that would solve your issue.
nutsack, tags are cool, but i think an android client should be able to do it now, and for some reason i haven’t seen one that does.
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