Where to find flac and other lossless file types
Does anyone have good site recommendations for lossless files such as flac’s specifically for music.
Does anyone have good site recommendations for lossless files such as flac’s specifically for music.
TonyStarkRevant, @thebaymusicbot @deezertogdrivebot Search these bots on telegram
Kit, (edited ) Hol up, Telegram can be used for piracy? I only know of Telegram as a secure messaging app. How’s this work?
TonyStarkRevant, There is a whole new world out there for you to explore
Kit, How do I get started?
TonyStarkRevant, Come to telegram ,I will guide you ,my telegram username is @tonystarkrevant
suckmyspez, It’s one of the few things Telegram is useful for
jol, Is this safe? Can I get my Telegram account banned?
Proteus, (edited ) It is safe. Telegram only bans specific communities it finds engaged in piracy, and even that it does very slowly, mostly under legal pressure. No user accounts have been banned for that, ever.
It’s also worth noting that Pavel Durov, the man behind Telegram, has previously created the famous VK social network, and up until he was kicked out of director board, he fought for free (including pirated) music on the platform.
ladfrombrad, How does your bot grab FLAC’s from Spotify?
A friend of mine said they don’t serve FLAC’s, and it also seems in our testing we broke @deezertogdrivebot and it’s getting rate limited?
odium, rentry.co/megathread
chitak166, Soulseek with Nicotine+.
There’s a lossless filter.
Proteus, Doubling down on Soulseek through Nicotine+.
Some of the prominent names cannot be found there due to lawsuits, but majority of music is in there, one search bar away.
Also, it works well for films, series, and even games sometimes.
OfficerBribe, (edited ) While Soulseek is a great option, would recommend Deemix as the primary download method unless Deezer hosted album is some very bad remaster and you need to hunt down older release. You either need a premium account or find something called “ARL cookie” to download above 128 kbps MP3.
Proteus, Worth noting that the absolute best quality Deezer has is 44,1kHz 16-bit lossless, and most songs there are MP3 anyway.
If this is good enough for you, absolutely go for it. If you’re looking to download high-quality music from a streming service, you can use tidal-dl (or tidal-gui for more convenience) combined with Tidal - though it’s worth noting Tidal has been subject to some controversies regarding some of the master quality albums, too.
OfficerBribe, Can’t comment on FLAC quality / availability to be honest because I download only 320 kbps MP3. I just know there is a quality setting for it.
Haphazard9479, Hdtracks.com
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